
14 1 79

A few more chapters left!

You were walking to the company, with your head hung low. After a while, you finally get to see Jimin again. You were a nervous wreck. Again, you didn't know why.

Upon reaching the front door, you push it open and let the guards check your ID. After that, you went straight to the restroom to change.

You enter the studio to find him already there doing some stretching. You look at him, and if it were not for the other company members being there, you would have ran to him and tackled him into a hug. No, not many knew about your situation. Only Irene and the people Jimin decided to tell.

He looks up at you and smiles as you return the same sweet smile. You put down your bags and walk up to him.



"How are you?" You ask.

"Okay. You?"

"Fine I guess."

"Jungkook told me." He suddenly says out of the blue.

"Told you what?"

"That he's into you. If I didn't know already."


"And that he's trying to date you?"

You laugh. This was getting hella awkward. "Yeah.."

He smiles again but looks away when he hears the director come in and welcomes everybody back after a long break.


After the class, you quickly said goodbye to Jimin and took your bags to go out. You were kind of excited, because Jungkook asked you to go with him to the new park that just opened a few days ago.

Were you excited because of the theme park? Or because you were going out with Jungkook?......

As you were about to exit the building however, you heard someone calling your name. You turn around and see your director running towards you. Weird.

"Hey Sir.! What's up?" You greet.

He pants a bit before asking, "Are you okay?"

You were utterly confused with his question. "Huh? Sir, what do you mean?"

"Oh, you know we don't usually have long breaks if it was only one show right?"

"I-" He was right. It was only now that you realized.

"Sir, then why did you give us that break?"

"Because....I know you have gone through a lot and you need a break."

What the heck. Why is everyone stalking me? How the heck does he know?

"Uhhhh..." Was all you could get out of your mouth.

Before you could say anything else, he continues, "If you need any rest, you don't have to come to class, since we don't have any shows upcoming anytime soon. Alright?"

Before you could agree or politely say it's unnecesary, he turns his back and walks away.

"Huh." You say. "He's weirdly kind today."

With that, you exit the building.


You and Jungkook met up after a few minutes and you rode his car to the new park. Upon nearing the theme park, you could barely contain your excitement, because you really loved the rides. You saw a huge ferris wheel, vikings, but what caught your attention was the huge roller coaster. I have to try that. You think to yourself.

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