
34 1 1

I wake up to the sound of my alarm.

I was supposed to turn it off but I feel a pair of arms around me. I smile to myself then he says, "Goodmorning beautiful."  I reply with a smile, "Goodmorning Jimin."

You and Jimin have been dating for 2 months now.

You guys first met in the same Ballet Company and both starred in the production Romeo and Juliet. You've been training for most of your life now. And when you applied for Company membership, they liked you and immediately accepted you. Of course, being Juliet requires a lot of interaction with the male lead, not to mention the kissing scene.

So, both of you grew attached to each other, and soon you guys started dating.

And yes, you can say that you love being with him. He's the sweetest, most caring and lovable person on earth. Even the smallest details of your relationship, he takes importance to.

Today was a Saturday, and you didn't really have any plans.

"What do you want to do Jimin?"

"Hmmmm...Can we just cuddle the whole day?"

"The WHOLE day? Not that I'm complaining though...but wouldn't we get bored?"

"I wouldn't."

You smiled knowing that even if you guys wouldn't do anything, both of you would be happy as long as you were together.

You pinch his cheeks and say, "You're so cuteeee."

He gives a smile and says, "How about we go get a cup of coffee or tea somewhere?"

"Sure, what time is it?"

You check the time and it's 9:50 am.

"What time do you wanna leave?"

"Can we just go out around dinner time and just watch some movies now?"

You agreed to that and both of you  started taking a bath. (Not at the same time you perverts.) Then, you had a movie marathon.


6:00 pm

You and Jimin started walking to the nearby cafè.

Upon reaching the front door, he opened it up for you and you thanked him with a smile.

You ordered a cup of peppermint tea and he ordered a coffee.

You looked for a seat and sat down beside the table of another young couple with a cute little baby.

The baby looks at you and stretches her arms to you and opens and closes her hands. You smile, thinking the baby is cute.

The mother was really pretty, and seeing that the baby was looking at you, she smiles and says, "I think Angela likes you."

"Awww hi Angela." You say.

Jimin comes back with your orders and sees that your talking to the mother on the other table. He smiles, sitting down.

"Look Jimin she's so cute"

The baby starts to cry, and you notice that she doesn't stop opening and closing her hands, as if she wants you to carry her.

"Angela do you want her to carry you?" Says the mother.

The mother looks at you and says, "Do you want to carry her?"

You nod, because you love babies. She hands you the baby girl.

You carry her and she starts laughing.

The husband talks to the mother, while you notice that Jimin was staring at you.

You ask him, "What? Do I have something on my face?"

He gives you a smile and say, "Nah, it's're so pretty."

"Okay, Jimin what do you want from me? If you want me to pay you back for the drinks then it's fine." You jokingly said.

He laughs at that and says, "No, no you don't have to pay! I'm just stating the truth."

You smile and look down, you were obviously flustered by his compliment.

"Why can't we have a baby?"

You nearly choked on his random question.

"Jimin!!!!" You playfully push him and he laughs again.

"I'm just joking Chaeyoung!!.....But seriously though..."

"Jimin, you know my father is very strict. We can't risk anything. Remember the first time you met him? He told you that he wouldn't allow any pregnancies before I get married."

He says, "Yeah, I remember. He was honestly scary. He seemed so protective and you guys are obviously really close."

You and your father were really close, and he was very protective.

Sometimes, you would be pissed by how much rules he has, you are already old enough to handle yourself. But, of course you knew he had all these to protect you after what happened to your sister....

And you almost teared up at that thought.

Your mother and your sister died a few years back, and so it was only you and your dad. It was so hard for both of you, but for some reason you couldn't remember seeing what happened to them. Your father just told you that the two of them did not survive a car crash.

But you knew they didn't die at the same time. But everytime you would ask your dad about it, he would always avoid the question.

So you decide to believe whatever he says.

Besides, why would he lie to you?

The woman beside your table says, "Angelica, we have to go now."

You handed her back her baby and wave goodbye to the sweet couple and stand up.

"Jimin, I have to use the washroom."

"Okay" he replies.

You walk to the washroom and patiently wait for your turn. The person inside was taking pretty long and you really needed to go.

Finally, after a few minutes of waiting the door opens.

You didn't look up at the man's face because....why would you? That's when you noticed he wasn't moving. You were so suprised to hear him call your name. So you looked up when he said,



AYEEEEE, first two chaps done!!!! Gosh, it's my first time writing a story sooooo thanks so much for giving my book a try! If you have any tips for writing or i dunno if you wanna tell me stuff pls do in the comments! Imma read them so uh yeah thats about it.:)))Thanks again and please anticipate the next chapters. I'll try my best to update as much as possible, cause i know how hard it is to keep waiting and not knowing when the story will be updated. Thank you again! Lots of love from the Philippines:))

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