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Time skip----

Your POV

After the show, you slump down on your chair in the dressing room. You felt your body aching really bad, but you were used to such pain. You waited for Jimin to come in so that both of you would go to the lobby for the meet and greet.

Suddenly, Jimin barges in your dressing room shouting, "Congratulations!" with his arms up high. He runs and gives you a big hug and a kiss. You smile through the kiss and thought of how sweet he was. After a few moments, you pull away and pinch his cheeks saying, "Congrats to you too!"

A production crew member comes and knocks on your door saying, "Hey, the people out there are waiting for you guys to come out."

You look at Jimin and he nods.

"Okay, we'll be out in a minute. Thank you."

"Okay. Congrats by the way you two did great."

"Thank you!" Both you and Jimin say with a smile.

He walks out of the room and you start  fixing yourself.

As you and Jimin were walking out going to the lobby he says, "Wait, I forgot my phone."

He turns around and walks back to your dressing room while he shouts, "Go ahead! I'll follow."

You do as he says and as you open the door leading to a set of stairs that leads to the lobby, you were greeted by Jungkook.

"Chae!!" He shouts with a big smile.

"Hey Kook!" you reply.

You were surprised when he held your waist, carried you and spun you around.

You put your hands on his shoulders to support yourself as he carries you.

You both laugh but you don't notice that Jimin was already there, watching you both. He didn't say anything, he just watched.

Jungkook puts you down and pulls you in a hug as he says, "Chae, you were amazing!"

"Thanks Kook."

You pull away and you notice Jimin by the door. You were able to see his face before he placed a smile as he faced Jungkook.

"Hey Jungkook!"

"Jimin! You were amazing man!"

They hug each other while Jimin said, "Thanks."

As they pull away, you remember that your dad also watched. You kind of panic, he wasn't there where he usually waited for you after every show.

You check your phone and see that he messaged you.

"Hey baby! You were amazing today, Im sorry I can't be there for the meet and greet because there were too much people in the lobby. You know how much I get claustrophobic. Congrats im so proud of you."

You reply saying, "Its okay dad, thank you! Take care."

As you turn off your phone, you tell Jimin about your father and the three of you start walking to the lobby.

Jungkook went the other way where the audience stays while you and Jimin took the stairs where all the performers go.

As you and reach the stairs, you see the lobby filled with people. And when you and Jimin were seen, everyone started clapping and shouting as a sign of saying "Congratulations."

You smile and the other dancers made way so that both of you could go in front. When the cameramen were done taking your pictures, all the dancers went in the crowd to meet their relatives and friends. You did not have any other guests who watched, so you stayed in one place. You did not like the crowd either.

A lot of the audience took pictures with you as well as your autograph, and as soon as the crowd started to disperse, you spot Jungkook. You go up to him.


He was startled a bit, but smiled when you called his name. "Hey uh, I think I should go now..."

You were about to reply to him inviting him to go out with you and Jimin for dinner, when you see your artistic director walking towards you.

"Chaeyoung. Congratulations." He says.

"Thank you sir! You too." You reply.

He glances at Jungkook and, you don't know if you you hallucinating or not, but you see the corner of his mouth slightly form into a smirk.

"And who might this be?" He asks.

"Sir, this is Jungkook. Jungkook, this is the artistic director, Sir Yeon."

They shake hands and the directors hand lingered longer than necessary on Jungkook's.

You felt that Jungkook did not like that and felt awkward, so you say, "Sir, will the after party still take place in your house?"

"Ah, yes it will."

He looks at Jungkook and says, "You should come too! Since your a friend of Chae you are invited as well."

He did not wait for any reply when he said, "I have to go, I'm expecting the both of you to be there okay?"

You were startled at his sudden departure, but say, "Yes sir! We will be there."

You and Jungkook watch him walk away and as soon as he was out of sight, Jungkook says, "I don't wanna go."

You laugh at his sudden statement, but you know what he was thinking. "You don't like him do you?"


You laugh again but you really wanted him to come with you and Jimin.

"Don't worry, as long as you stick with me he won't make a move on you. Besides, when was the last time you went to a party?"

You see him make a pouty face while he thinks. "I don't know, it's been a long time since I last partied."

"See? C'mon."


You raise your eyebrows and anticipation of his answer.

"Please??" You say as you try your best to persuade him.

He looks at you then smiles as he says, "Fine, I'll go."


After a few more minutes of waiting, Jimin is finally done giving his autograph and taking pictures with the audience.

"Gosh finally you're done. You have so many fans." You say.

"I know! Too many girls touching my arms jeez..."

You cross your arms to tease him. "Oh and I'm sure you looooooveeeed it."

"Hey! No I did not. You know I don't like it when other girls flirt with me."


He hugs you from the back and starts pecking your cheeks.

You laugh and cup his cheeks. "I was only joking."

"Alright enough of that you lovebirds let's go." You hear Jungkook say.

You smile at him and you start walking back to the dressing room to get ready.

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