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OK SO IMMA MAKE A HUGE TIME SKIP HERREEEE [so if you recall, before the chap when Chae and kook go to the theme park, Chae tells jungkook she wont easily get over jimin and it would be hard for her to move on bla bla. so i didnt indicate how long exactly it was before Chae met Jimin(in the next chap) again, so its up to you lmao sorry again:( okay lez gooo]

1 year later....
Irene's POV

I hear Jimin coming out of the room. He was talking to someone on the phone, probably Chae. We were meeting up with her and Jungkook tomorrow, to celebrate baby Hyerin's birthday.

I was currently in the kitchen, preparing coffee for me and Jimin. Yes, we are together. I don't know. I've always had a crush on Jimin, but somehow, he fell for me as weeks past by. A lot of days, I feel like maybe, he had no other choice, but to date me because he had to have a mother figure for baby Hyerin. I would question it to myself all the time. I love him, no doubt, but I can't help but think that he might still love Chae.

I was a little surprised when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I smile while he puts his face on my neck. I feel him breath in, as he says, "Goodmorning."

"Goodmorning Jimin."

After a while, he lets go and leans his back against the table top as he stares and watches my every move.

"Irene? Are you crying?"

"Huh?" I look at him and he already tackled me into a hug. "What's wrong hm?" He asks as he cups my face.

"Wahh..It's nothing really. You'll just say I'm a drama queen."

"Noooo...tell me."

I put down the spoon I was using to stir the coffee and the sugar together and cross my arms.

"Do you love me?" I ask.

He chuckles a bit and comes closer. "What k-drama are you watching again hm?" He says with a smirk.

"Nahh. See? I told you."

"Nooo. I'm joking." He says again then continues, "Why? Is it about....Chae?"

I look up at him and slowly nod my head and look down again. He lifts my chin up with his finger and looks me directly into my eyes, and I would lie if I'd say that action didn't make my stomach do 10 flips.

"Look at me. Don't you ever doubt that I don't love you ever again. Alright? You were there for me when I needed you the most, you were there when Hyerin gave birth, there when I was lonely. You are in my life right now. And my only focus is you."

I felt my heart explode. Everything seems like a dream. I never actually believed I was dating Jimin, and evryday felt like a miracle. He made me happy, and I did the same to him.

".....and Hyerin." He adds. We both laugh, and spent the day playing with Hyerin.

Author's POV
The next day....

"Yeah, yeah I'll be there in a bit."
"Uh-huh. Yep see you!"

Chae puts down the phone as she gets ready and hurriedly slips on her shoes.

"Jungkook!!!!!" She shouts. "Are the presents ready??"

"Wait a minute!" He shouts back from the other room.

As soon as Chae finished putting on her shoes, she grabs her bag and walks to the other room. She opens the door to see Jungkook was finally done wrapping the presents.

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