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Diora levers
I sat back down and rolled my eyes. "Whatchu want Keyonta?" I asked him. "You can take the keys to our house." He told me. "You mean the house that you and Hoey live in?" I asked him. "I want you to go there. The security already know you commin and tell them to not let her in." He told me. I smiled to myself and stood up. "Onnie say bye to dada." I told him. She waved and I left. I gave the lady the passes and walked out. "Onnie you bout to see a bitch get beat up." I told her. She smiled and clapped her hands. I put her in her carseat and got in the front seat and drove to "our" house. Soon as I pulled up to the gates the man opened the gate to let me in. I parked my car and got out. I got Onnie out her car seat and the big man let me in. "Thank you." I told him. "Your welcome ma'am." I walked in the kitchen and ran my hand across the marble counter. He had plaques for his music all on his walls. I walked up stairs and saw my makeup room.
It had a sign on it that said 'do not go in here'. I walked in anyway. It was mine. All of my stuff was still here. I'm surprised this bitch ain't come in here. I sat in my chair and let Onnie stand on my lap. She looked at herself and started laughing. "Baby shark do do do dodo. Baby shark do do do dodo." I sung to her. And she started moving side to side. To be only 2 months she is hella smart. I stood up and walked to another room that said the same thing on it. I walked and I was shocked. It was Minnie mouse themed. I laid onnie in the bee thing and went to the closet. It was so cute. It had a lot of everything. It was little jordans and g fazos. "Aww." I said looking at all of the clothes. "Ms.Levers." I jumped and turned around. "You have a call." The guard handed me a phone. "Hello?" "You like our house?" Ta asked me. "Yeah. I'm surprised you ain't let anybody in my makeup room." I said shutting the closet. "I ain't want nobody to see whatchu had." He told me causing me to smile. "Who did Onnie room." I asked him. "Me and ma grandma." He told me. "Oh it's cute." I said. "I love you." He told me. "I love you too." He hung up and I handed the man back the phone. "Sorry for interrupting." He said. "You good." He nodded and walked out shutting the door. "Come on Onnie." I said picking her up. I walked out of there and decided to go in their room. It was still the same but there was toats and bags with girls clothes in it. "Wow bitch don't even get a closet to put her shit in." I said laughing to myself. I walked to my old closet and saw most of my clothes I forgot I even had here. I set Onnie in the bed and looked through my clothes. I heard yelling down stairs so me being nosey I cracked the door open. "Whatchu mean I can't be here anymore? I live here." I heard Chloe yelling. "Ma'am I'm asking you nicely to leave." The man told her. I wanted to be so petty and walk down stairs."Onnie you bout to see one ugly hoe." I said picking her up. I walked down the steps and she started raging. "Why is she here?" She yelled. I handed one man Onnie and ran over to her. She grabbed my hair and I started pounding her face. "Bitch. Bitch. Bitch. Bitch." I said punching her. I grabbed her wig and pulled on it as hard as I could. It came off and they pulled us apart. "Call me if you want ya wig back." I said waving it in the air laughing. Trying to catch my breath. They took her out and talked to her. I threw the wig on the floor and got my baby back. "Thanks." I said. "Who let her in here." I asked them. "We didn't she climbed over the gate." What the hell? "Oh and whats all y'all names?" I asked them. "Manny, Marcus, James, Joseph, Ricky and George is outside." They all said their names. "Okay and y'all can call me Diora." I told them. They nodded and I went to the kitchen. "Onnie whatchu want? Some cookies?" I asked her getting them. I walked to the living room and me and Onnie watched my favorite movie Poetic justice. "Onnie ain't Tupac so sexy?" I asked taking the cookie she just picked up. "Mmma." She babbled. "I know he is." She is just like me. "Marcus. Can you get us some more cookies?" I asked him. He got another pack of Oreos and took the empty one.
I opened one and handed her the piece with the creme and I ate the one without creme. After that went off it got boring. "Marcus. Can you tell George that I'm about to leave." I asked him picking up the cookies that Onnie kept dropping. "I'm coming back though." I told him throwing the dropped cookies in the trash. I went back and got onnie. I made sure I had my keys and phone before I walked out the door. I walked to my car and put onnie in the back. Honestly I was getting tired and I didn't want to give to sleep there. I sat in the car thinking. Should I go back? It my house still. I got onnie out and told Marcus to watch her while I went to get some clothes for the week. I drove to my mom house and got some clothes and under clothes. I put all of my clothes in a pink duffle bag along with my rag, toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, deodorant and my scarf. I carried it to the car and drove back. I came back and Marcus had put Onnie to sleep.I carried her upstairs and went to the guest room. I changed the sheets and the covers. I laid a blanket over the pillow and laid her down. I put a couple of pillows around her and I went to get in the shower. I took my towel and rag in the bathroom and locked the door. I took off my clothes and I got in. I put some body wash in my rag and let it lather. I washed my body and rinsed off. I washed my body again and then rinsed off again. I got out and wrapped my towel around my body. I walked across the hall and went to the guest room. I locked the door and dried my body off. I put my panties and bra on then applied some deodorant. I put a spaghetti strap shirt on and some PINK sweat pants on. I put my hair in a pony tail and put my scarf on. I went down stairs and no one was here anymore. I went to the pantry and got me some oodles of noodles. I put them in a bowl, put some water and then put it in the microwave for 4 minutes.When they were done I poured most of the water out and put the packet in it. I got some butter out the refrigerator and cut some off into the bowl. I got the hot sauce and poured a little bit in. I picked up my bowl and got a water out the refrigerator too. I walked back upstairs and Onnie was up and she was crying. "Shit. I forgot to bring you a bottle." I said setting my stuff down on the side table. I got my phone and called my mom. "Didi I was just about to call you. Where you at? And why is Onnie crying?" She asked me. "I'm at Keyonta house. And can you bring me some bottles and the formula?" I asked her. "Why you there?" She asked me. "When I went to take Onnie to see him he told me to go to "Our" house." I said with sarcasm and picking up Onnie to calm her down. "Our house." She started laughing hard as hell. "The house that the hoe was living in?" She said calming down some. "Yes. Can you just bring the stuff?" I asked her getting annoyed. "Aight I'm on ma way." I hung up and patted her butt to calm her down. She stopped crying after a while. I turned on the baby shark song so she would stop crying. I started eating my noodles and I heard a beep. I looked out the window and saw her getting out with a diaper bag and Onnie sleeping pillow. I went down stairs and got the stuff from her. "Love you and goodnight momma." I said hugging her. "Love you too and make sure you lock up all these doors. Goodnight Didi tell Onnie I love ha." She said walking to her car. I shut and locked the door. I went in to the room and made her a bottle. She fell asleep and so did I. I woke up to Beeping, knocking and crying. I lifted up and picked up Onnie. I grabbed her diaper bag and went down stairs. I put her in her bouncer and went to answer the door. "Who is it?" I asked smartly. "Keyonta's lawyer." I groaned and opened the door. "Ma'am I was told by Mr. Bullard to come here and have you sign a restraining order against Chloe Clarke." He told me. "Where is it?" I asked him. He pulls the papers out and Onnie starts crying again. "Hold up." I stood up and put her binky in her mouth. "Here." He gave me the papers and a pen. I didn't read it I just signed where it had lines at. I gave him the papers back. "I assure you that he will be home soon. Have a nice morning." He said walking to the door. "You too." I said smiling. He shut the door and I went over to my baby. "Aww you need you diaper changed." I said picking her up. I changed her diaper and threw it away. I made her a bottle and proped it up with a blanket while I made me and her some pancakes. Ion even think she allowed to eat food like this but oh well. I poured the mix on the pan and waited until the spatula could go under it to flip it.
I made three and went to the living room to see her sleep. I heard my phone ringing so I set the food down and ran up the steps. I grabbed it and saw that Ta was calling. Phone conversation

Me: Hello

Him: Hey

Me:  Boy whatchu want

Him: Did Chris come there

Me: Who

Him: Ma lawyer

Me: Oh yeah

Him: Oh whatchu doin

Me: Nothing I just cooked and I'm bout to eat

Him: I miss you

Me: I miss you too

He hung up and I went down stairs. It was lowkey boring with no one here. The security guards ain't here it's Sunday so they have off. And I don't feel like going anywhere. Or eating. I put the food in the microwave and locked the doors. I went upstairs and got dressed putting on this. I got onnie dressed and I did my hair. I threw on some slides and grabbed the stroller and bring it down stairs. I took Onnie to the car and buckled her in. I went back in the house and grabbed her stroller and the diaper bag and locked the doors. A big black Truck with tinted windows pulled up. My heart started beating and I got my pepper spray that was on my keys ready to spray. Marcus stepped out smiling. "I was bout to pepper spray ya ass." I said closing it. "Okay but do you want to ride with us or is drive behind you?" He asked me. "Y'all can drive behind me." I said opening the door. He walked to his car and pulled out the drive way. I pulled out and started driving. I drove to shop rite and got a parking spot. They pulled next to me and got out. Marcus got the stroller and put Onnie in it. "I could've did it." I said locking the doors. Marcus got a basket and pushed it into the store. I went to the meats section. "Chicken." I said putting it in the basket. I took the cover off of  Onnie and checked on her. We kept walking and I saw Ta's grandma. "Hey baby." She said hugging me. "Is that ma grand baby?" She said looking at Onnie. "Yeah." I said. "She look just like her daddy." She said. "You need me to watch her just gimme a call." She said writing it down. "I love you now." She said kissing my cheek. "I love you too." I kept walking and three boys was looking at me. I tried to ignore it until they walked up to me. "Lemme get a picture." The light skin one said. "Okay." He put his arm around my waist. "Arm from around her waist." Marcus said. He took his arm off and I smiled. The flash went off and they walked away. I got some milk and eggs. I turned down the cereal isles and saw Chloe and her friend. "Yeah and she put a restraining order on me.  Lemme leave before I come out of character." She said walking. "Hoe you is a character." I said to her. She just rolled her eyes and kept walking. I got cinnamon toast crunch, fruit pebbles, frosted flakes and some Oreo o's. I walked out of that isle and went to the baby food isle. I got her some more formula and them good snacks that we both like. I got the banana and blueberry kind because the rest of them is nasty. "Diora. Diora." I turned around and saw like twenty people running up to me. "Okay one at time." Marcus said pushing people back. Three girls came up and took a picture. "Can you put Dionna in the picture?" One lady asked me. I unbuckled Onnie and picked her up. I kept her head turned for all of the pictures. When all of them were done I put her back and buckled her back. My phone dinged repeatedly as I walked out of the isle. I went to the junk food isle. I see Jania and Trell in there. "Hey Nene." I said walking over to her. "Hey Didi." She said hugging me. "Hey Trell." I said hugging him. "Hey Diora." He said. "Aww she so cute." She said looking and Onnie. "Thanks. Where King at?" I asked her. "At Kentrell momma house." She said. "Oh." I said. "Ima see you later bye." She said walking away. "Bye." I said. I got a value pack of different chips, two packs of Oreos and three packs of Chip's Ahoy. Me and Marcus walked to the register and started putting the stuff on the line thing. When I took my card out to pay I saw the lady that worked at the doctors office. "We're you a doctor?" I asked her. "I still am." She replied. "Are you the girl who did my first appointment?" I asked her. "Diora?" She asked me. "Yeah." I said. "Aww this is her." She said looking at her. "Yup that's Dionna." I told her. "That's what you named her. So where's her dad?" She asked me. "Oh. He went on tour. He's a rapper now." I lied to her. "Oh I hope he has a safe trip back to his lovely family." She said putting all the bags in the cart. I swiped my card and walked away. We walked to the car and he put the bags in the back seat on the floor. "Ima go to my mom house before I come back to the house." I told him pulling off.
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