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Jackson, Janet

"With a new day, comes new beliefs and new strengths."

I sat on my yoga mat in my new apartment as I meditated. My schedule was clear today thank God, some days it seems like I can't get out of that realtors office. They pay good money, so I'll leave my complaints to a minimum. Plus, most days I make my own schedule so that was a pro.

My phone dinged causing the sound of a waterfall to stop playing through my house speakers. I opened my eyes and reached over to my coffee table and grabbed it.

Daddy Ink 💦
Damn lil mama, no text? How you been?

Rolling my eyes at the contact name she had made, I instead instantly brought that up.

Lil Mama 😍
Did you seriously make your contact
name in my phone Daddy Ink?

Daddy Ink 💦
Yeah, you like it?

Lil Mama 😍
Nah, could have done without it.

Daddy Ink 💦
Mhm, you know you like it. What you doing later today though? I'm trynna take you somewhere. The gang not moving today, you free to ride?

Lil Mama 😍
Depends, whats at the end of the ride because you
definitely aren't getting anything in return for this.

Daddy Ink 💦
Wow... I am appalled that you would even think something like that. Lmao, jk.. It's noted. No prize, just a ride. Let me spend time with you Janet. Pleaseeee?

Shaking my head, I locked my phone and got back in my criss cross position as I closed my eyes and began to meditate again. I had no time for dead souls trying to revive my already dead life.

My phone sounded again and I looked to see that she had texted again.

Daddy Ink 💦
I hope you know your read receipts are on Janet... Matter fact, fuck it, send me your address, I'm on my way.

Lil Mama 😍
Uh... no you aren't.

Daddy Ink 💦
Wasn't a question. Come on, you gotta live on edge every once and a while. Just for a couple hours. You must be the fun police or something.

I know she did not just call me the fun police. I could have fun! Watch this...

Lil Mama 😍
3300 Needles Hwy. Apartment 6D.

Daddy Ink 💦
Oh shit! You actually sent it! Alright, give me 30.

Chuckling, I got up and hopped into the shower. Getting out, I threw on some ripped jeans, a crop top and some shoes. Letting my hair hang, I grabbed my wallet and keys and put them in my cross over MK purse. There was a knock on the apartment door and I looked out the peep hole and opened it.

Ink stood on the other side smiling at me before she frowned slightly. "You'n got no better shirt than that?"

"My shirt is fine."

"No, your shirt is short. Here." She took of her blue jean jacket and was about to hand it to me until I stopped her.

"No ma'am, is all this necessary?"

She nodded quickly. "Hell yeah, you already fine as hell, I don't have time to be fighting no niggas over you when we stop."

Shaking my head, I turned around and invited her in. "Well come in, let me go put on something longer." Ink stepped in as I headed towards my room. Grabbing one of my longer shirts, I put it on and hung my crop top back up. Walking out of my bedroom, I found Ink standing by the door where I'd left her. "Better?"

"Yep. Still fine as hell, so it didn't solve most of my problems, but it solved one. Ready?"

"Yeah." I mumbled as I looked at the ground shortly to wipe my smile away before she saw it.

I followed her outside and to her bike after locking my door behind me. When we approached her bike-- which was mind blowing did I mention? She handed me a helmet but before I could grab it, she shook her head. "Let me do it. Safety first."

She placed it on my head and pushed down gently to make sure it was on all the way before putting on hers. Ink got on the bike but I stayed put. When she looked at me I spoke. "I just realized I never got your name. So I'm not riding unless I know it."

Ink chuckled. "Morgan. My names Morgan. Come on." Smiling, I got on the back of the bike and Morgan pulled my arms around her waist. "Hold on to me and you should be just fine. When I make turns just tilt with the bike a little, we not gone fall over, I got us. Don't be scared, just enjoy the ride." She started the bike up and made sure I was okay before pulling off.

We rode through the city, and soon I laid my head on her back and just watched everything as we passed by it. The first few times she turned did scare the hell out of me, but I just tightened my grip around her torso. People looked our way as we did, most in awe of Morgan's bike. How long we rode? I could never be certain but when I looked up, we were riding on the mountain trail. She parked by a park I never knew was here and put the stand down. I detached from her as I got off first and she followed.

Taking off the helmet, I fixed my hair before asking. "Why the park?"

Morgan shrugged. "No ones here, so hey, why not? Wanna go somewhere else?"

I shook my head. "No. This is fine."

She nodded and we began walking towards the slides. I sat on one and she sat on the other and for a second, silence engulfed us. Well until she asked. "You single?"

"I surely would hope so saying I hoped on this bike with you."

"Ha. Ha. Ha." She told me sarcastically. "No, but I was just asking because you mad fine and I just don't see how nobody else then actually locked you down."

My mind flashed back to Rene and how moving out the house and into my apartment was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in a long time. Shaking the images out, I replied. "I moved out here with a boyfriend, but now I'm single."

"Oh, so that's what it is. Okay. Mind me asking some more questions?"

"As long as I can ask you some, then I don't see why not?"

"That's cool, I don't have a problem with that. So boyfriend, as in you're straight, right?"

I shrugged. "I dabbled before Rene, but he doesn't know that."

She laughed. "Ah, so you have dipped. Alright, alright, I can respect that."

"What about you?"

"I been a full blown lesbian since my senior year." She chuckled after she said it. "My dad got me my first bike when I was a senior, and I been ignoring dudes ever since. Even though I couldn't ride it for a while."

"Why not?"

"Cause young Morgan thought she was cute and went and got pregnant."

"Aww, you have a child?" I gushed.

Morgan smiled at me. "Yeah, I have a daughter, her names Rylie. She's fourteen turning fifteen in August."

"I love children, always wanted some of my own."

"Why don't you have any?"

"Rene never wanted them." I mumbled lowly.

"Well you shouldn't let that dip shit stop you." She nudged my shoulder. "You've got time."

I scoffed lightly. "Not a lot of it, I'm turning thirty two this year."

"And I'm turning thirty three. So? Don't let something like that stop you. Plus, if I could give you a baby I would, no questions asked."

When I looked at her she smirked at me and I giggled. "You are nasty."

"Hm, you find it interesting. Race ya to the monkey bars!" She yelled as she took off running.

Standing up, I chased behind her as I yelled out. "No fair! You got a running start!"

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