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Westbrook, Morgan

"It's the time we spend together that I admire."

After the food came, Janet and I sat talking about different things and I noticed that she would avoid certain topics. One including her dad. "So what about that topic you're avoiding?"

"What about what?" She asked me softly.

"Your father. I mean I asked about your parents and you told me about your mother but what about your father?"

"Nothing to tell really. He's a simple and very traditional guy in a way."

I noticed how tense she got and I sighed. "I'm sorry. If you don't wanna talk about it, I won't push."

"No. You aren't pushing. My dad is amazing actually— he just has his ways. Him and my mother are deeply religious, but my dad takes it to a whole different level. We have a love hate relationship really, but if you two meet, I'm pretty certain he'd love you. He loves who he worships but he loves me as well, so I know he'd love you."

Smiling softly, I replied to ease the tension a bit. "Who wouldn't love me? I mean look at me."

Janet chuckled. "See there, shut up."

I shrugged. "I'm just saying."

"What about you?" Janet asked suddenly. "You've never talked much about your parents."

"Oh they live in Vegas actually. Um, lets see... we talk from time to time but my parents are busy bodies. They're never home half the time because they love to travel. They weren't very religious but still raised me strict— a bit too strict because I ended up pregnant, but they loved me nonetheless. Plus they love Rylie, she talks to them more than I do because they bring her souvenirs from wherever they go." I summed up my parents.

"That's really dope. I've always wanted to travel the world. Just drop everything and start to see what the world has to offer."

"We will get there soon."


I nodded. "Yeah, we."

She smiled. "Well in that case, I can't wait. So you grew up strict. How strict are we talking?"

"So I wanted to go to a B2K concert in Vegas when I was 15. I was all head over heels for them, and my best friends basically talked me into asking my parents instead of sneaking out like I knew I was going to have to do..."

"Wait.." She cut me off. "You were going to go to Vegas without adult supervision at 15?"

"No bae." I shook my head. "That's what I'm trynna say, my best friend Shay, her parents were bringing us and they were gonna stay with us the whole time. Long story short, I got grounded for trying to go see B2K, so I couldn't even sneak out to see B2K."

Janet frowned. "Well dang. That's tough."

"Tell me about it. So deeply religious, tell me about that."

"Jehovah Witnesses." She informed me slightly.

My eyes widened as I shook my head. "No way. I don't believe you."

"Well believe it. I didn't celebrate birthdays or holidays. All of my siblings and I— we all left the religion. My sister, went to well— crack. My brother just doesn't have any form of belief anymore and I went to Christianity."

"Crack? Damn, them Jehovahs was that bad?"

"Nope. Our parents trying to shove it down our throats were. Some of it stuck though, I've never really celebrated my birthday because we couldn't. It was frowned upon to put something above God or celebrate something other than God. Even if it was the day you were born. It was just another day of growing up. We did the same chores as a regular day. Nothing fancy except my siblings would sneak me a extra piece of lemon pie after church." She did a happy dance as she said the last part before biting into her taco.

I chuckled. "You and the love you have for food is ridiculous."

Her eyes widened as she finished chewing. "No baby, these tacos are ridiculous. Try this."

She held out the taco for me to bite and I did. When I began chewing I realized why they were about to be a big competitor. This shit was insanely delicious.

"Oh crap. I gotta tell the guys to give it up, this place isn't closing any time soon." I mumbled seriously.

Janet nodded. "This is now my second favorite restaurant. Be prepared to bring me here."

My face turned a bit sour as my eyebrow lifted. "I'm not putting in any more funds to this restaurant than needed to. This is my competition for Christ Sake."

"Ugh. Fine, but at least once every four months."

"Six." I stated my condition. "And only on special occasions."


I made a face. "Five. Final offer."

"Three or else I won't give you any more—."

"Three it is." I quickly agreed as I raised my hands in surrender not even wanting to know what I would have lost if I hadn't agreed.

Janet laughed. "Bae, I was kidding. Six month intervals is fine."

I squinted. "Why you play so much?"

She shrugged. "I don't know. It's in my DNA. Alright so deep talk real quick,  what's your worst fear?"

"Honestly... I'd think my worst fear is losing Rylie. Weather that's emotionally or physically. I think my world would shatter. Yours?"

"Losing myself again... but also I've always had this fear of failure. Not failing with anything like work but just failing as a parent... I guess and to me Laci's mine in a way so I think that fear kind of came true and literally gut wrenching terror ripped through me."

"A feeling you won't have to feel again because you are here to shield her. I know it's still that sunken feeling, but it's better to come after it than to not come at all."

She nodded. "You're right—."

"Janet?" A woman asked as she was passing by to leave.

I watched as my girlfriend smiled brightly at the woman and stood so they could hug. "Hey!"

The lady turned to me and smiled as she extended her hand. "Oh I'm rude. I just interrupted. I'm sorry. Nice to meet you, I'm Jennifer, Janet's friend."

"Best friend. Don't let her fool you." Janet mumbled as she chuckled. We shook hands as Janet continued. "Jen, this is my amazing girlfriend Morgan."

Jennifer's eyes widened. "Well, nice to meet you Morgan. I've heard a lot of good things."

"Jen is actually the one who helped with the case baby."

"Oh." I stood as I opened my arms. "Forget a handshake. I owe you more than that."

We hugged briefly as Jennifer waved me off. "It's my profession. Anytime. I have to run though. It was nice meeting you Morgan. I'll chat with you later best friend. Love you."

"Love you too." She called back before looking at me. "She likes you."

"You can tell that from the little conversation we just had?" I questioned lightly.

Janet nodded. "I actually can. Jen only had one conversation with my ex and it was to tell him that he was about to be single and at Heavens gates if he didn't stop acting up. However, she shook your hand and gave you a hug. Not to mention she sent me a thumbs up on her way towards the door."

I chuckled. "Well I'm glad that she likes me."

"Who wouldn't?"

"Your ex."

She laughed. "You know what? Check please."

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