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Jackson, Janet

"You gotta pick up where others seemed to quit at."

A plane. A fucking plane. Who sends a fifteen year old on a plane by herself to Nevada? I'll never understand the thoughts that cross through my sisters head. What even makes her think for a moment that what she did is okay? This is utterly ridiculous.

Walking into the airport, my eyes searched the pick up zone. I was moving quick because my niece was 15 but looked older. Nevada was not the place to be alone at. My eyes caught a girl walking while rolling two bronze suitcases. Her eyes were looking around lost, I knew her mother probably hadn't told her she'd contacted me. She probably thought she had to find me herself.

I spoke. "Kalacia."

She looked my way and her eyes watered

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She looked my way and her eyes watered. "Ma?" She ran to me and hugged me tight. "I tried ma. I tried but she's— I couldn't stay there anymore."

"Ssh." I rubbed her back as we hugged. "It's okay. I understand. I know baby, I know."

Laci lifted her head and I wiped her tears. "We fought the other day. I told her I didn't want to be with her anymore. You raised me. You're more of my mom than she'll ever be. If it was up to her I'd be in the same boat as her. I can't live with her no more ma. I can't do it."

Kalacia rarely cried, only I got to see this side of her. It was true, my sister had chosen drugs over her child and I raised Laci to the best of my abilities but I could only teach her so much. My sister just never picked up her end of the stick sadly, and now it was affecting Laci more than I thought.

"Come on. Let's get your suitcases in the car." I changed topic for it wasn't one that we should have in this airport. She nodded and grabbed one as I grabbed the other.

Leading the way, I led her to my car and popped the trunk. When I put the suitcase in she spoke softly. "I didn't think you were coming for me."

We met eye contact as I grabbed the suitcase she was pulling. "I will always come for you."

I put the second suitcase in the trunk and closed it as she mumbled. "So why'd you leave me? Why didn't you take me with you?"

"Get in Laci." I motioned towards my car and she got in as I did. When I closed the door and started the car, I noticed she was staring at me. She wanted her answer. As I put on my seatbelt, I replied. "It's complicated Peanut."

"She told me you didn't love and care about me. I didn't believe her at first but then after she took my phone, you never called her for me. I just thought maybe you had a better life without me..." She trailed off as she looked out the window.

Kalacia never called her mother by the actual title she possessed. She had lost that privilege quicker than the short spell she'd gained it in.

My face furrowed. "I called your mom at least twice a week looking for you. She always told me you didn't want to talk to me. I thought you were mad still so I let you be. I should have known."

Laci sighed. "I'll be good ma. I won't do anything bad. Just please don't kick me out. If I mess up, don't get that upset please. Her and I have fought enough to last a lifetime."

"I hope you mean verbally."

"I wish."

My eyes left the road a few times as I looked between it and her. "Laci, was she hitting you?"

"If I made her mad enough. Last week she burned me with a cigarette because I didn't know where her needles were." She pulled the top hem of her sweater to the side and I saw the bruise. "That's another reason I really started packing up."

"Look, you don't have to be perfect in my house Laci. You're a kid, you will make mistakes but I need you to understand that I am not my sister. What she does is far from me. I'd never do that. You know that."

"Did she tell you I was coming?"

"Yeah. Shockingly." I replied.

She nodded softly before sitting up some and panicking. "W-Wait. Are you still with that guy? He doesn't like me. He won't want me at your house ma. I don't want to cause any trouble and—."

"I broke up with him and even if I hadn't, he wasn't going to have a say in who I allowed in my house. I've let him control me for too long."


I changed subjects. "Schools starting out here next month. We need to get you ready to go."

"Okay. Your sister sent me with some papers for you."

"What papers?" I asked her.

She shrugged. "I didn't open it. She threw them at me on the way out the door and I just put it in my suitcase and Ubered to the airport."

"Okay. Well hopefully it's your birth certificate and social. Cause I will need both to get you enrolled. I have to work tomorrow... but maybe you can meet my friends daughter Rylie. Hang with her. How's that sound?"

Laci sent me a look. "Is she cool ma? Cause you know I don't do good with certain folks."

"She's a nice girl."

"Mhm. Every adult says that. You probably haven't seen the real side of the girl yet."

"Rylie is nice. I swear." I took an early exit as I thought about stuff I needed to get her. "So it's about to be 5 and we need to get you all set up. Get you a phone then some essentials for the house. Anything else you need?"

"Got some scissors?"

I side eyed her. "Why?"

"Take this weave out."

"So we need to get you some scissors because you aren't using my kitchen scissors."

She shook her head. "Why not? Scissors are scissors."

"The scissors you use in your weave is not the scissors that I use for my food. Be eating 14 inch Brazilian for dinner."

We both laughed before she nodded. "True." It got silent before she spoke again. "I missed you."

"I missed you more Peanut."

"How long can I stay?"

"There's no time limit Laci." I replied as I stopped at a red light. "You are always welcomed. You know that."

She smiled softly. The first smile I'd gotten out of her today. "Thanks ma."

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