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Jackson, Janet

"Whenever I need to talk, you are always there to listen."

"I'm just worried." Morgan sat listening to me rant about how I felt about Laci going to school so soon. "She told me she was ready but what if she's just saying that to make me feel okay?"

"Then Rylie's there and they're going to protect each other." Morgan answered me softly as she pulled me into her on the couch. "It's okay baby, I get why you're stressed, but there's no need to be. It's gonna be alright."

I turned and faced her as I stuck my bottom lip out. "How do you do this?"

"Do what?"

"Send Ry off to school every year."

"It's going to get easier baby, I promise." She pecked my lips. "Stop pouting. You aren't realizing that you're sending a warrior to school. Kalacia isn't anyone's pushover, she'll be fine. Who knows, she may come home more excited about school than she was this morning."

We had sent the girls off to school from Morgan's this morning. They didn't give us a hard time, it was instead me who was having second thoughts. I just wasn't ready to let Laci go off somewhere by herself again.

I snuggled into my girlfriend. "I hope so."

"How about this... let's go get some lunch and then by time they leave school, we'll already be back here to greet them. It'll get your mind off of things for a little bit. Come on."

She pushed me up slightly as I groaned and stood. "I'm in but where do you wanna go?"

"Want to try the new taco joint downtown? A few of my business competitors hit me up asking about it."

"Why'd they ask you?"

"Because apparently the place has been opened for a few weeks and has revenue coming in like no other. So now they want to band together and see what the rave is about."

I chuckled at my girlfriend as I went over and grabbed my phone and wallet slipping them into my back pocket. "Oh so this isn't a regular lunch date, we are going spy."

"Not spy, just observe and taste the tacos." She corrected me with a giggle herself. "Taking your car?"

"Nope." I shook my head. "I just washed my baby yesterday."

Morgan rolled her eyes playfully at me. "Well Rylie took the car to school, so we must be riding my bike or something."

Shrugging, because I could care less how we got there as long as it wasn't in my vehicle, I replied. "Cool with me."

"You wearing that?" She asked me slightly biting her lip.

"I only have on ripped jeans and a shirt, I am fine."

"Shit, tell me about it."

I realized that she wasn't talking about my outfit and arched an eyebrow. "Woman lets go try these tacos before we don't make it out the door."

She smirked and I just knew something was about to fall off her tongue, but surprisingly she kissed me softly and walked towards the garage. I followed after I put my shoes on. The garage was lifting and I watched as she started up the loud motor of the motorcycle. Morgan used her foot to kick the heel stand up as she let the bike roll out of the garage and out in the driveway of the home. She smiled at me when she saw my eyes following her movements. "Come on lil mama, let's go for our second joy ride on Derby."

Morgan had named her motorcycle that, and explained how she felt like it fit the orange bike. I didn't argue with it because it was something she was very passionate about. I opened the pad outside of her garage and closed it. Walking over to her, she held out her helmet and I put it on, not really remembering how tight it was on the inside. Climbing on behind her, I wrapped my arms around her waist.

Soon enough, she'd turned the radio up and the music and engine could be at least two blocks away. I laid my head on her as we road to wherever this taco place was that she was telling me all about. The sun was bearing down on top of us, but the wind from the bike balanced it nice enough for me not to mind at all. I quickly realized that this was going to be one of my favorite things to do with Morgan. Each time we rode, I found myself falling harder for her for some reason. Maybe it was because she was at peace, and I found nothing but sanity in her peacefulness.

We stopped at a red light and she turned the music down as she glanced back. "It's like two blocks down from here. You okay baby?"

I nodded because my words would have come out muffled due to the helmet. She nodded back, sent a smile my way and turned the music back up as the light turned green. The two blocks went by in a breeze and before I knew it, she was pulling into the parking lot. When Morgan had stated that it was a taco joint, I hadn't expected a huge establishment like this. It was almost as big as Morgan's restaurant, it just lacked the huge city lights from the strip. She spoke to me over the music. "Want to go get a table?"

Grumbling, because I didn't want to walk in by myself, I took off my helmet. "Sure." My fingers combed through my hair, as I got off the bike. Handing her the helmet, I spoke. "Just let the valet park it."

"Park what?" She raised an eyebrow. "Them people aren't touching Derby."

Shaking my head, I rolled my eyes playfully as I smiled. "Whatever. Hurry up though."

Walking into the restaurant, I was shocked at how big it was in the inside. They had an amazing color scheme happening in the inside and it worked well with the vibe of everything. I walked up to the man at the front and he smiled. "Welcome to Rusty's, are you dinning alone today miss?"

"No, table for two actually."

"Yes ma'am. Would you prefer a table or a booth?"

I thought back for a few seconds before shrugged. "A booth is fine."

"We're actually cleaning tables now, so we will get right with you in a few." He told me politely.

"Thank you." I replied as I glanced around and sat down on the bench to wait. People were entering and leaving but I was focused on the decor in this place. They had really done a nice job.

Arms snaked around me and I knew Morgan had came and sat next to me. She spoke. "Damn, okay, I wasn't expecting this."

"You see that wood? That's how you correlate wood colors." I took a dig.

My girlfriend pushed me playfully. "Hey! I tried."

"I know baby, but next time, you should consult with someone." I joked again.

Morgan took a breath. "Whatever."

"Ma'am." The man at the front got my attention as he grabbed menus and silverware. "Right this way."

I stood and Morgan did as well. We linked hands as we followed the man. When he placed the menus on the table of the booth, I slid in on my side and Morgan came after me. She slid all into my personal space causing me to laugh. "Girl move."

She shook her head. "Nope. You talking shit about my restaurant."

"Oh please, we can always remodel it. Get on your side of the booth." I chuckled at her face.

Morgan threw her hands up. "Fine. Be like that. I'll move if I can get a kiss."

Leaning over, I kissed her. When we pulled apart, I mumbled. "There."

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