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Westbrook, Morgan

"Stop fighting it, we official."

I walked through the park with my arm around Janet's shoulder. She had a cup of ice cream in her hands and was eating as was strolled. "I think they hit it off."

We were talking about Rylie and Kalacia who were walking in front of us talking and laughing with their ice cream cones in their hands. I nodded as I replied. "Yeah, they did. Rylie hasn't been as dark since Kalacia came around. I'm glad for that."

"Laci hasn't been down either. Thank God for that." She mumbled as she ate some more ice cream. Pulling her in closer to me, I grinned at her. Janet looked up at me and asked. "What, woman?"

"Nothing. I'm just glad you're my girl."

"Oh. I am?" She asked as she ate some more ice cream. "Who decided this?"

"You when you were screaming 'Daddy' last night." I smirked.

She pushed my shoulder as she blushed. "Shut up."

I chuckled. "What? You asked. I'm pretty sure if my room wasn't sound proof, the neighborhood would know I was Daddy too."

"See this is why I didn't want to call you Daddy last night. I knew your ass was going to get cocky." She mumbled.

"I'll have you calling me Daddy again tonight, and then we will see." Janet looked up and saw I was smirking.

Her head shook as she smiled. "I wouldn't mind that."

"Good. Glad the fight is dismantling."

"Whatever, there was no fight to begin with. We just kept getting interrupted. I have to get Kalacia's school stuff together this week."

I nodded. "Okay. What day are you doing that?"

"I don't know but it needs to be soon because knowing her mother, I'm going to have to get some more documents and I may not have everything."

"Okay, we will get it done. Don't start stressing on it."

She ate the last bit of the ice cream and sighed. "Yeah. You're right. It'll work out."

"Exactly. Don't even worry about it. Now about you being my girlfriend..."

"Yo Ink!" Somebody yelled and I rolled my eyes as I got ready to snap on somebody for interrupting Janet and I.

We both turned around and the kids came to a stop as well. My eyes met with Spiders. He had some chick on his arm, but I knew it wasn't anything serious about their relationship just by how he was carrying himself with her.

He walked up to me as we dabbed up and I spoke. "Wassup Spider."

"Shit, I was about to ask you the same damn thing sis. Where you been? You been too busy to ride out with us. Too busy to come to the meetings. Now I know you told me about some things but is everything alright? You are the co leader of the damn club." He muttered as he raised a eyebrow.

Janet looked at me weirdly as I changed topics. "This is Janet. Janet I don't think you've met Spider face to face but this is like my big brother."

They shook hands with smiles as Janet told me. "I remember you from the gas station. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet the lad whose calming this woman down as well." He replied. "Keep it up, Janet."

"I'll try. Baby, I'm going to let you two talk." Janet pulled my arm from around her shoulder and walked over to where the kids had sat on the park bench.

Spider was about to talk until he saw the chick he had with him hadn't moved. "What are you still standing there for? Move around. You see I'm trynna talk."

The woman rolled her eyes before walking away. "Damn. My bad."

I chuckled as I shook my head. "You are so damn mean."

"Man whatever, I'm nobodies Prince Charming and her ass saw me trying to talk." He brushed off what I said. "Now back to this bike shit Morgan. When are you coming back? For real. For real."

"Honestly Spider, I don't think I'm coming back."

He looked at me weird. "What?"

"It's time for me to retire the vest Spider."

"You serious?" He traced my face. "You saying this cause of Janet?"

I nodded. "Too be honest yeah. She didn't tell me to stop riding or anything but I wanna do this for her. You know what type of shit we get into sometimes. I can't risk losing her."

Spider took a second before nodding firmly. "Alright sis, you know I told you if you ever felt like this and had a good reason it was time for me to leave as well. You must love the woman."

Taking a breath, I glanced over at her and the girls interacting and laughing. I smiled at the sight before nodding. "It's getting there, Spider. For real. I dropped my hoes in Vegas and everything."

Spider and I always had a pact that if and when we decided to walk away from the biker gang, we'd leave together. As long as we gave each other a good reason we'd walk away together. He was sticking to his word and I appreciated it because I wouldn't be able to live knowing he was out on his bike with them other folks possibly getting hurt.

"Aw shit. Yep, let me start getting shit together because you're serious."

I chuckled. "I really like her Spider. She's mad different. She helped me get Rylie back from her dad and everything."

"For real? That's dope. I'm glad you're happy little sis." He smiled and his grill showed. "She seems down to Earth."

"She is." I nodded.

"Alright well, say less. I'll let the folks know we have to go on our last ride. I'll let you know the details alright?"

"Alright." We dabbed up. "Catch you later bro."

He went over to the chick he had with him and they walked the other direction. I went over to the bench and Janet smiled. "Ready?"

"Yeah. Come on girls." We were walking towards the car at this point.

The girls got ahead of us again and Janet mumbled. "What did he mean when he said you hadn't been riding? You didn't stop because of me, right?"

"Not yet but I am."

She looked at me suddenly. "No baby. Don't do that. You love riding, I'm fine with you riding as long as you're careful."

"I'm always careful but that's not always what the crew does and I'm not risking it anymore. I got some folks I need to come home to." I replied honestly as I grabbed her hand.

"Well when you put it like that, it makes it better." Janet smiled softly. "Oh by the way, I would love to be your girlfriend."

"I knew I had your ass hooked." I bragged. "I saw that look at the gas station."

"Oh, you must've mistaken that look then because I looked at your ass in pure annoyance."

"Lies!" I disagreed as I opened her door for her to get into the car.

She chuckled. "Thank you baby."

"No problem." I answered quickly as I opened Laci's door as well.

When I went to open Rylie's she put her hand up. "Don't do that, I got this over here."

I shook my head as I got into the drivers seat and put my seat belt on.

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