Chapter One

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Luke's POV

I needed money. End of story. I needed money to buy a new guitar. My other one broke because my best friend Calum was being careless and ran it over with his car. Don't ask how this happened because I don't even know. Anyways, I'm currently using my Dad's old one and I would rather use one of my own. the only problem is that I don't have the money. And Calum owes me. So basically, this whole deal thing came along and now I'm dressed like a geek and have to act like one. But first, let me take you back to the day this deal came along.

(Few days earlier)

"Dude, you better pay me back! I don't want to keep using my Dad's crappy guitar!" I shouted at Calum. We were currently at lunch. "Look, you shouldn't have let your guitar lying on the floor." He tried to explain. I was furious. "Whoa, Luke calm down. It's obvious that Cal won't pay you back, but what if you guys made a deal or something?" My mate Ashton suggested. Michael barely even payed attention he was too focused on his pizza to even care.

"A deal sounds nice." Calum said mischievously, "Okay, I got something for ya. You have to act and dress like a geek for six months at the school next to ours. If you get caught or you quit, you're not getting paid." I looked at him and smirked, "Seems easy enough, just six months and I'll have a new guitar." "So you're actually going through with this?" Michael said wide eyed. "Yeah, how hard could it be." Calum looked at me and asked, "So, it's a deal?" I confidently said, "It's a deal."

You guys are probably wondering what the big deal here is. I mean, it doesn't sound that hard right? Well, you should know a little more about me. First of all, I'm the most popular guy in school. I got good looks and I'm in a band. All the girls are over me, so I play them, and soon enough, I'll break their little hearts once I get bored of them. I put geeks, nerds, and freaks in their places, I mean, they should know where they stand.

So acting like a geek, is going to be harder than it sounds, but I'm desperate. I will do anything to get a new guitar. So let the games begin.


"Okay, you got your clothes and books right?" Ashton asked me on the phone. "Yeah yeah, I even got my fake glasses." I sighed. Today is the day I'm going to my new school for the next six months. You might think it might be easier to get a job and pay for it myself, but then I'll have to save up for a longer time if I want to get a good guitar and Calum said he would buy me any guitar I wanted. So this is worth it. "Make sure you read and be quiet, okay? Oh, and don't forget to wear your dorky sweater. No band tees or bracelets!" Ashton added while interrupting my thoughts. "Yeah yeah, I got it mom. See you later!" "Wait don't hang up on-" I cut him off by hanging up.

Today was going to be a long day, I don't need nagging. I ate some cereal and quickly checked my appearance again: dorky sweater, khakis, fake glasses, some white vans, and a plain black beanie.

I did look terrible. Oh well, it's just six months, nothing bad will happen. Right?

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