Chapter 6

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A/N okay so I'm probably going to do more author notes just because. Also thanks giliClifford for the sweet comment! That made me smile and it's nice to know somebody actually thinks this is somewhat good. So thanks! And now onto this crappy chapter. And there's a fabulous picture of Luke because who doesn't love a fab Luke?

Luke's POV

I look at the clock and see there's still thirty minutes of class. Every minute feels like an hour and it's pure torture. It also doesn't help that Harry keeps on throwing paper at me, like seriously, it's irritating. I always have to calm my anger before I punch him in the face.

It's been a couple of weeks since this deal and school has been hell. Harry and his friends keep on bullying me and it sucks, which makes me actually have sympathy for the other freaks.

I probably would've backed out on the deal if I didn't have Kaidyn though. We have become great friends and that was something I would've never expected. We eat lunch and spend our free period together.

We mostly just talk about bands and just random shit. She's funny and really awkward, but it's kind of adorable- wait what?

I can't find her adorable, we're only friends. And besides, we've only known each other for a couple of weeks, so I can't like her.

I look back up at the clock and see there's only five minutes left. I put my things in my bag and wait for the bell to ring.

The next period is a free period, so I wait by the tree Kaidyn and I sit by.
I see Kaidyn walking up, wearing some black skinny jeans, a Bring Me The Horizon sweater, and her hair put in a side braid. She will always sneak her Band merch from her parents because she told me they're really strict. I'm actually supposed to meet them soon with my family.

"Hey." I tell her as she sat down. "Hi." She shyly said back. "Okay, so do you want to meet up at my house again to work on the project?" I asked. "Um, well about that. My dad doesn't want us to meet up again until he meets you and your family."

"Oh, well then I guess we could have like a family dinner?" I asked her. "Sure, that could work. Since I just want to get this over with and work on our project, do you want to come over tomorrow maybe?" "Sure." I responded.

"Um I don't know what to wear." "You can just wear what you usually wear, but maybe a little more formal." She replied.

"We can walk to my house and work on our project, then have dinner so my parents can get to know you." She said as she got up because the period was almost over. "Okay." I replied. She looked really uncertain about this whole thing though. Her parents can't be that strict, right?

Lunch was next, so we went to grab some lunch. We both grabbed a slice of pizza, but as we were walking back to our tree, Ashley, one of the popular girls, came up to us.

"Ew, it's the geek and the nerd. But I guess you two do fit together because you're both just freaks in the end." She scoffed towards us.

"Oh and honey, I don't think you need to eat, you're already fat enough." She said to Kaidyn as she walked away while laughing.

Kaidyn looked down and said to herself, "She's right, I am fat enough." and dumped her lunch in the trash.

"Kaidyn, you're not fat, you're perfect the way you are. Don't let her get to you." I told her. Ashley really is a bitch, she's not even that pretty because she has makeup caked all over her face and a fake high pitched voice. She reminds of my ex girlfriend, Emma.

We walked back to our tree and decided to listen to music, so we shared earbuds. I looked at Kaidyn and I never really took the time to realize how pretty she was. She had longish dark brown hair and grey eyes with light blue specks. She was also kind of short, so it made her cute, especially when she would get flustered or confused. Kaidyn was also really nice, and she was so cool. She had suck great taste in music, so we bonded well.

Wait, I can't be thinking these things about her. "Um, I'm going to go to my next period, to uh study." I lied awkwardly as I stood up. "Oh, okay. Bye I guess." She said with a hurt look on her face.
Great, now I made her upset, but I had to get away from her and clear these thoughts in my head. I can't like her, right? I walked to my next period and sat in my desk, waiting for the bell to ring.

*time skip because lazy*

I walked home and when I got there, I went to my room. I heard my phone ring and looked to see who was calling.

I picked it up as it was Calum calling. "Hey." I said. "Hey Luke, so want to hang out today?"
"Sure, I've got nothing better to do." "Aw, that didn't sound very nice Lukey." I cringed at the stupid nickname.

"Shut up Cal." "You love me Lukey." He said with this mushy voice.
"Whatever, when do you want to hang out?" "How bout I'll meet you at your house in ten minutes?" he asked. "Sure." I replied. I hung up and tidied a bit.

I heard the doorbell ring about ten minutes later and went downstairs. I opened it and saw a very excited Calum.

"Lukey! I haven't seen you in forever! I missed you soooo much." Calum said as he engulfed me in a hug. "Oh my god, Cal, it's only been a few days. We literally saw each other on Sunday." I told him as I pushed him away from me.

He pouted and walked inside, just to raid my kitchen. "Luuuuuuuke, you've got no foooood. I'm going to die! Are you trying to kill me?" He complained and flopped on the couch and pretended to cry. I swear to god, this child was so weird.

"Calum, calm down. We can just pick up some food from Maccas or something." I reassured him. "But that takes too much effort." he said while burying his face in a pillow. "Anyways, how's school?" he asked and threw the pillow at me.

This kid, I swear to god.

"Um, good I guess." I replied. "Do you have any friends?" He asked while raiding my kitchen yet again. "Yeah, I've got one."

"Cool, what's his name?" Calum said while walking out with a bag of chips.
"Well, my friend's a she, not a he. And her name is Kaidyn." "Weird name for a girl."
"She's cool though. She has the greatest taste in music." I said brightly. "Sounds like you have a little crush on her." Cal exclaimed while wiggling his eyebrows.

"I do not!" I yelled at him. "Whatever." He grumbled. "So tell me more about this Kaidyn."
"Well, she's really pretty, but self conscious, so she doesn't think she's pretty. She has the greatest taste in music, like I said. She's smart, funny, and did I mention she was pretty, actually beautiful?" I rambled on while thinking about her in my head.

Calum looked at me in shock. "Dude, you like this girl. And don't even deny it."
"What? No I don't. I'm Luke Hemmings, I don't like anyone!" I said in disbelief.
"Whatever, say what you want, but I need to get home already, so I'll see you on Saturday for band practice."

"Kay, bye." I told him. "Byyyyeeeee Lukey! I luuub youuuu!" He yelled as he walked out the door.
I sighed and went upstairs back to my room. I finished up my home work and plopped on my bed, as it was already pretty late.

I thought about what Calum said. I couldn't like her, I've never liked anyone, but I do get these weird feelings around her. Like I'll get this tingly feeling in my stomach when we touch, or I'll be immediately happy when we talk. Is this what it's like to like someone?

I drowned myself in these thoughts until I finally fell asleep, with Kaidyn in my mind for the rest of the night.

A/N Yeah, crappy chapter, but it's kind of late and bleh. Also, got some cake in there

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