Chapter 2

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Luke's POV

I quickly walked to school while listening to some music. It was a short ten minute walk. Right when I entered the school, everyone was staring. I don't blame them, I do look like a freak.

I quickly walked to the office, not wanting anymore attention, to pick up my schedule. "Excuse me? I'm here to pick up my schedule, I'm new here." I asked the lady up front. "Oh hello, what is your name" she kindly asked. "Luke Hemmings." "Oh right! Let me get your schedule really quick!" she reached into a filing cabinet and got a single paper out. "Here you go sweetie. Hope you have a lovely first day!" she perkily said.

I walked out as fast as I could and checked my first period. Chemistry. Well this sucks, I am terrible at chemistry and it's so boring. I quickly sighed and walked to the classroom.

Once I got to the class, everyone literally stared. I heard a few whispers, something like "geek" and "dork."

"Ah hello! You must be new here!" The teacher loudly said. "Erm yeah, I'm Luke." The teacher looked around at the desks and said, "you can sit over there at the back. Oh and by the way, I am Mr. When." I hurried to the desk he pointed at and sat down. Everyone was still staring.

"Well, as you all know, we are having a project coming out!" Mr. When exclaimed. Everyone immediately groaned. Mr. When continued, "Come on guys, it's going to be fun! And also we're working in pairs!" I swear to god, this teacher is one of those perky ones that loves to teach.

"I'll be pairing you guys up to make it fair." This is actually good, now I don't need to make an effort to try to pair up with someone. Mr. When started naming off names, " Lucy Smith and Daniel Jones. Samantha Sumners and Julia Greene." I didn't listen to the rest because I had no interest, I didn't know any of these people. "Oh, and Luke, since you're new, I decided to pair you up with one of our better students, Kaidyn Nelson." Mr.When said. Kaiden Nelson. Great, I'm paired up with a freak and a geek. I bet he has no friends and doesn't know what fun is.

Since I had no idea where this Kaidyn Nelson was, I kind of just awkwardly stood there. Soon enough, this small girl with brown hair came up to me. At first I thought she might flirt with me, but I soon remembered I was geeky Luke and not cool Luke.

She literally sat down in the desk next to mine and started reading. Okay, what. After five minutes of me just staring at her, she finally looked up and said, "what?"

I replied, "Um, what are you doing sitting there? That's where my partner is supposed to sit." She kind of just looked at me and said, "I am your partner, I'm Kaidyn Nelson.

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