Not An Update

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Okay sO I WENT TO THE 5SOS CONCERT YESTERDAY AND OH MY GOD!!!!!! I LITERALLY CRIED AND I JUS DIED! Anywhoozies, I linked a crappy video I took of my favorite song they played, Voodoo Doll because Michael screamed and I just couldn't even. Also Ashton frEAKIN IRWIN WENT SHIRTLESS AND ASDFGHJKL!!!! Michael's legs were perfection. This concert was even more perfect than I imagined and let me tell you one thing, I think they are waaaaaay better live than they are in the studio because they sound more rock live.

Sorry for no update, I just can't really think right now because I have writers block and lord save meh :c So yeah, I guess if you're kind enough comment any ideas or something and I'll dedicate next chapter to you. Also if you want to follow me anywhere, my fan account for instagram is @5sos_islove_andlife and my twitter is @awkward_wag. Make sure to message me if you follow so I can make sure to follow back! Also somebody please DM me about the concert because I need someone to fangirl with.

Anywhoozies, I'm extremly sorry about no update, I'll try to update as soon as possible. And check out another fanfic that I'm writing with my best friend. It's called Coming Out and it's by troyler_besties. It's basically a troyler fanfic because who doesn't love troyler? And over 400 reads and almost 60 votes?! THANK YOUUUUU!!!!! I LUB YOU ALLLLL <3  I guess I'll just leave now so baiiiiii!!!

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