Chapter 3

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Kaidyn's POV

I woke up earlier than usual because I could'nt sleep well, it was like something special was going to happen even though I knew it was just another regular day.

I quickly took a shower and put on some clothes my parents would approve of; an oversized jumper and some plain skinny jeans. I put on a little foundation to hide my dark circles under my eyes and a little mascara.

I went downstairs to pour myself a bowl of cereal. I quickly munched down on it and put my empty bowl in the sink. I grabbed my phone and earbuds, along with my book bag and quickly walked out to go to school.

I put my playlist on shuffle and satisfied with an Ed Sheeran song, started walking. It was a quick ten minute walk and in no time, I was at school. Since I was early, as usual, I walked to the library.

While I was walking to the library, a blonde haired boy I've never seen was walking to the office. He must be new.

As soon as I got to the library, I grabbed my book. This is what I did pretty much everyday. If I wasn't reading, I was studying. And if I wasn't studying, I was sketching. Yeah I know, I'm a boring person.

When I was only a few pages into my book, Ashley, the queen bee here, strolled up to me in her high heels and scoffed to her fake boyfriend, "Ew, it's the nerd again. Can she do anything other than read?" I just ignored her as her and her "boyfriend" laughed and soon walked away.

I learned to ignore people like that, but it doesn't mean I like them. I dislike them a lot. I can't wait until I'm out of highschool, but I'm only half way through year 11.

I only read for about fifteen minutes before I knew I should go to my first period, chemistry. I quickly walked there, trying to avoid the muffled laughs and stares at me as I walk to my class. I finally made it into class and sat down at my desk. I immedietly took out a book because it would still be another good five minutes before class begun.

About thirty minutes into class, the same blonde haired boy from before had stumbled into the class, disturbing me from my reading. I barely glanced over at the teacher and him, only hearing that the boy's name was Luke.

Soon enough, the teacher anounced to the class about our project. I didn't care if there were partners or not because I always end up with a popular, and they make me do all the work. I was waiting until the teacher would call my name, but he didn't. That's weird. Soon, I heard, "Oh, and Luke, since you're new, I decided to pair you up with one of our better students, Kaidyn Nelson." Oh yay. I got the new student. I didn't mind though. He looked like he could be smart and the only thing intimidating about him was his height.

I saw him awkwardly stand there. I was waiting for him to come over to me, then I realized he was probably too shy or something. So I slowly walked over to him, and sat down at the desk next to him while popping out my book.

I noticed he was staring at me for like five minutes and finally I asked, "what?"

He slowly replied, "Um what are you doing sitting there? That's where my partner is supposed to sit."

I kind of just looked at him, and the I realized. He was new, of course he didn't know I was his partner.

I said back to him, "I am your partner, I'm Kaidyn Nelson."

After I said that, he kind of just looked away, his face blushing. This happens a lot, where people think I'm a boy before they meet me in person.

Well he was going to be an interesting partner, that's for sure.

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