Thanks c:

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Okay this is isn't an update, but I'll update either later today or tomorrow. I just want to say thank you so much for all the sweet comments and votes. It literally makes my heart smile and it's basically the only reason this story is even going on.

This has gotten so much fun to write and I enjoy updating a lot more than I do because idek... Whenever I see a comment I get so excited and my heart explodes into butterflies and rainbows and unicorns and asdfghjkl

I didn't think people would like this but hey, they actually do. And I guess another reason I'm writing this is because I'll never meet 5sos so I guess I can write a virtual world where I do meet them...? Idek Kaidyn is a lot like my name, in fact it's actually my guy name.... oops

Anywhoozies I'll just shut up and I'll update today or tomorrow so stay tuned and I lub you all <3 c:

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