Chapter 17

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Kaidyn's POV

Ever since Calum told me Luke liked me more than a friend, well, I've been a little more careful around him. I know I shouldn't believe Calum because who would like a girl like me, but what if Luke did like me?

I still don't know my feelings for him yet, but I think I may like him too. My heart beats whenever he talks to me and I can feel sparks flow down my body when he touches me.

But then again, I don't like what love or like is, I've never really liked anyone. He's always been sweet and he's changed because of me.

The thing is, I do want to be with him. I want to cuddle him when I'm lonely and I want him to comfort me when I'm depressed, but I doubt my parents would approve. I wish they would support me, but they never have.

I've been kind of avoiding him and when he calls or texts, I make an excuse to leave.

I know that running away won't solve the problem, but I'm only good at running away from my problems.

I heard my phone ring which interrupted my thoughts. I looked down to see he was calling me.

"Hey Luke." I said with a fake happy tone. "Hey, I have a question." "Uh okay?" I questioned.

"What did Calum say to you at our band practice. Ever since he told you whatever he did, I feel like you've been avoiding me." He sighed.

"Shit." I said out loud. "What?" "Ugh I said that out loud didn't I?" I said with red cheeks. "Yeah." He replied.

"So why have you been avoiding me?" He asked again. "Uh, did you know that frogs are uh animals?" I blurted out.

Really Kaidyn, how stupid can you be? "Uh yeah I did." He sounded a little frustrated now. "Kaidyn, is it something I did? Did I make you mad?" He asked. "No, it's just, I don't know. It's not you, well kind of. I really don't know what to say right now."

"Calm down, I'll just ask Calum, yeah?" He reassured me. "Yeah okay." I replied. "I'll ask him when I see him, which will be tomorrow. I guess I'll just go now. Uh bye." He awkwardly said. "Bye."I whispered back and hung up.

Well, shit is about to go down.

A/N yeah this sucks. I'm just kind of done with this story and idk why. I'm not really feeling it anymore and ugh. I feel bad because I guess some of you actually like this. I actually hate this story and I don't to continue it, so I'm going to try and finish it soon. Sorry :c

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2015 ⏰

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