Chapter 15

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A/N okay um... First, Livesos makes me cry because it is so perfect. Second, almost Christmas yaaaay. Third, It's been only like 600 years since I last updated... oops. Fourth, it's like past 1am so sorry if this sucks. Last.... I GOT A 5SOS CALENDAR FROM MY BEST FRAN AND NOW I CAN DIE FROM HAPPINESS. Also I snoop through my presents and my mom got me the target version of Livesos... so that happened. Bye... For now.

Luke's POV

Ever since I came out as my true self, Kaidyn and I have become even closer. I even invited her to one of my band practices and she was practically dancing to every song. She's also become great friends with Mikey, Ash, and Cal already.

And so it's almost Christmas and her birthday is literally tomorrow. I remember from when she told me back when we barely knew each other. Don't ask how I still remember.

But anyways, I have no idea what to get her. For Christmas I'll probably give her Of Mice & Men's new album along with a poster of some Youtubers called Amazingdan and Philisnotonfire? Something like that.

I quickly ordered the poster as it would take time to ship because it's from the UK.

I decided to drive around town to try to get an idea for Kaidyn's birthday present. I wanted it to be special because, well, I like her.

After driving for about ten minutes, I thought it would be a better idea to walk around so I could get a closer look.

I was walking for what seemed like forever until I saw a small jewelry store. I don't know why, but it was like it was calling to me, so might as well go in.

I opened the ancient door and heard a rusty bell go off. It looked completely abandoned until a small, elderly lady walked out with a sweet smile.

"Why hello. What are you looking for young man?" She politely asked. "I'm looking for something for a girl I kind of fancy." I tailed off awkwardly. "Oh! How sweet, I have the thing just for you then."

She walked out from the desk and into the back door she originally came from. After a couple minutes, she came back with a small black box.

"I picked out this, and I've been waiting for the perfect person to give this to. I just knew you were the one because the jewels match your eyes, and whenever she looks at them, she'll think of you." The lady explained while opening the box.

The necklace was stunning. It was in the shape of a tear drop with a swirl in the middle. It had three blue jewels that sparkled in the middle and was held together with a shiny silver chain.

"T-that's perfect." I stuttered because I knew this was the one. "How much?" I asked, taking my wallet out.

"Oh no, it's on me. I've been waiting to give this away and I know she'll love it." The lady told me.

"I-I don't think I can take this." I tried to explain to her. "Its fine dearie, I want you to have it."

"Thank you so much. I hope you have a great Christmas." I said to her while she wrapped the box.

"I wish you a very merry Christmas as well. I hope your sweet heart will love this gift." She said back. "Thanks again." I waved and exited the small shop.

I was really lucky, this necklace would've been worth hundreds of dollars. I sighed in content and drove back to my house.

I texted Kaidyn asking if she was free tomorrow and she was, so we planned to be at my house.

Tomorrow will be perfect.

Time skip to next day

I woke up feeling happier than I usually do, which was a surprise because I am definitely not a morning person.

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