Chapter 9

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A/N wow it's been like a millennium since I last updated.... sorry about that. I am literally the worst when it comes to updating dun hate meh :c Anywhoozies, OVER 600 READS AND 60 VOTES?! Thank you sooooo much!!! I might be starting another story and I might update the first chapter today... might. Any of you have Good Girls EP? I DO AND IT'S PERFECTION!!! I'm going to start adding more drama to this story (aka Luke's real identity may be spilled.) I'll just shut up now and let you guys read the next lame chapter. Also the song to the side/above has nothing to do with this chapter, I was just listening to it while writing.

Kaidyn's POV

It's been over a month since Luke and I met, but it's felt like only a week has passed. We already finished our project that brought us together. My parents seem to approve of Luke, which is good, but I never did see Luke look like he did that day. I'm fine with that because looks don't matter, but I always can't help but feel a little... Disappointed? Every day Luke and I just get closer and I'm feeling butterflies whenever he touches me. I can't like him because we're only friends, and besides, he would never like me back.

I woke up later than usual because our school is on winter break for the next two weeks. I checked my phone and squinted from how bright the screen was. It was 10:30, so I decided it was late enough and crawled out of my bed to go to the kitchen. I'm currently home alone, thank god, because Cassidy and my dad decided to leave me behind so they could go on vacation together, for the whole break too. I can just feel the love.

I don't mind I'm alone though, that means I can do whatever I want and not get scolded or even beaten. This means I can throw a party. Hah! Good one, I don't even go to parties let alone host one.

I wasn't very hungry so I made a mug of hot chocolate. Once it was finished, I literally moaned from the nice warm liquid going down my throat. I heard my phone ring and answered before checking who was calling.

"Hello?" I said to whoever was calling. "Hey Kaidyn. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime today?" A familiar voice asked. "Sure Luke, I'd love to. When?" I smiled to myself. "How bout around 12? I can pick you up." "Yeah, 12 works. I'll see you then. Bye." I responded and hung up after he said his goodbyes. I checked the time and it was already 11. I had one hour to make myself look somewhat human.

I took a quick warm shower and after I was finished, I slipped on a robe and dried my hair. I straightened it to make it look nicer and put on a warm thick light blue sweater that made my gray eyes pop and a pair of black skinny jeans.

I went back to my bathroom to apply light makeup; mascara, foundation, and even a little eyeliner. I checked the time and it was 11:50. I had an extra 10 minutes so I grabbed a pair of boots and waited until Luke came.

After about 5 minutes, I heard a knock and grabbed my phone. I opened the door and saw Luke bundled up in a thick coat. "You look like you're going to freeze to death." I laughed while stepping outside. I immediately felt the cold rush to my face and tried to snuggle myself up to my sweater.

I love the cold weather, it's my favorite time of year. My birthday was actually soon, on December 23 to be exact. I'm turning 17, but I could care less because the last time someone even acknowledged me on my birthday was when my mum was still alive.

"Kaidyn, you still here?" Luke chuckled while waving his hand in front of my face. "Yeah, sorry about that, just lost in thought." I replied while looking down feeling embarrassed. "Anyways, I thought we could just go to a cafe and get a warm drink." He said. "Sure, that sounds really nice right now."

We walked to a small cafe that was close by and both ordered a hot chocolate. Wow, my second hot chocolate in less than 2 hours... Oh well.

We were both just joking while sipping on our steaming hot chocolates until a voice interrupted us. "Luke? Luke Hemmings? Is that you?"

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