Chapter 4

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Luke's POV

I look down at my partner, Kaidyn. I didn't expect this loser to be a girl! Well, a girl or not, she still looked like a dork. She was wearing an oversized jumper and some skinny jeans. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she had glasses perched on top of her nose.

She seemed quiet, way too quiet for my liking, but at the same time, she looked smart so hopefully she could do all the work.

"So, what do you want this project to be about?" she asked me. I gave her a look that told her that I'm too cool for projects, but again, I forgot I'm geeky Luke. "U-um, anything would be fine. I d-don't really have any idea b-because I'm new to this unit." I purposefully stuttered. My shy act seemed believeable. Maybe after this dare, I could be an actor.

"Oh, um, it's okay I guess. How about we do something like 'does music affect an animal's growth?' or something like that." She said quietly.

"Yeah, that could work." I replied. I honestly didn't care what we did, but she mentioned music, so maybe this wouldn't be so bad. Then I remembered, she's a dork, she probably has the worst taste in music.

"U-um, when and were do you want to work on it? We have plenty of time, like three months to do it." she said shyly. I replied, "We can work on it at my house, if you want. My mom will be there, if you don't mind."

She nodded, "Yeah, okay. How about after school?" "Yeah, we could walk to my house."

So it was decided, she would be coming to my house after school. Wow, even geeky Luke can get the ladies, ha, just kidding.

We planned a little for the rest of class, and soon, the class ended. I grabbed my bag and walked to my second period, maths.

When I got to the class, I heard a voice, "Oh look here. We got a fag!" What? Was he talking about me?

I turned around and was met with a tall, muscular guy. He wasn't as tall as me, but his muscles made up for that. "So Harry, what do you think of this fresh meat?" Another voice asked. "I don't know Zayn, but I can tell this faggot is a freak." Said who I guessed was Harry.

Great, I'm already being bullied, but I didn't like it, obviously. Is this how it felt like when I bullied those other kids? Oh look, I'm already getting sentimental.

I just walked past who I guessed was Harry and Zayn and sat in the back where no one could notice me. The period felt like it lasted hours and it didn't help how Harry and his buddies were throwing paper and insults at me every minute.

As soon as class ended, I practically ran out of there. Next period was a free period, so I walked outside until I found a nice tree to sit under and listened to some music.

So far, my day sucked. I needed a guitar though, so I need to stick it out. And who needs friends anyway?

It was lunch after my free period, so I walked through the cafeteria, with no where to sit. I decided to sit back under the tree I was sitting under during my free period. I was going to be spending a lot of time under this tree.

I saw Kaidyn walk past me, into the bathrooms. She looked really sad, and I think I saw tears running down her face. I wonder what happened to her. Wait, I shouldn't care about losers like her.

Lunch passed, and so did the rest of my classes, painfully slowly, should I add. I waited outside the school for Kaidyn until she finally came.

"You're late." I told her. She looked at me with a sad expression and let out a soft mumble, "Yeah, sorry about that, I just got held up." "It's fine." I told her as I started walking.

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