Chapter 11

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A/N so I got a lil dog laying on me as I am writing this so... Yeah. Anywhoozies, over 1k reads and 100 votes?! THANK YOU SO MUUUUCH!! I'll keep this short so onto ze chapter.

Kaidyn's POV

It's been a few days since I last saw Luke. Okay, I know this is stupid of me for ignoring him. I'm not really mad anymore, I just want to be alone because my parents are gone and I can do what I want, which basically means I was pigging out on junk food, blasting punk music, sleeping till the afternoon, watching horror movies. This is paradise.

I really am a bad friend when I think about it. I should've at least told him I'm not mad at him, he probably hates me.

I check the time, and it's about 12:30 and I've been basically laying around these past few days, so I make the decision to actually go outside and walk.

I grab a warm sweater, slip on skinny jeans, put on some boots, and also grab a coat because it's freezing. I bring my phone, along with earbuds and skip through songs on my playlist until I'm satisfied with a Slipknot song.

I hum along to the catchy tune while walking basically anywhere, but trying not to get lost.

After maybe 15 minutes of walking, I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see the same girl from the cafe.

"Hey, you were with Luke, right?" She asked. "U-um yeah." I stuttered looking down. "Okay, so I have a question. Why was he dressed like a complete freak?"

I just kind of looked at her in disbelief. "Um, what do you mean by dressed? He always wears that." I quietly said. She looked back at me, staring in my gray eyes and started laughing. She laughed so hard, there were years running down her face, smudging her eye makeup.

"Luke H-Hemmings... Dressed l-like that? Always?" She said in between laughs. "I've never seen Luke wear anything like that before in my life." She continued. "Well, uh, what does he wear then?" I shyly asked. "He wears tight black skinny jeans that make his legs look like walking sex. He always wears those band shirts or tank tops and black vans. In fact, he makes fun of others who wear what he wore." She said.

"Um, maybe you're talking about a different Luke. I mean who are you anyway?" I asked not believing her.

"Me? I'm Emma, Luke's um, well we're just having a difficult time right now, but I was- am his girlfriend." She said or more likely reassuring herself.

"Um, okay. So what does that have to do with the Luke I know?" "Well, that's obviously my Luke. He stopped coming to school a couple of months ago." Emma told me. "That's when he came to my school..." I said to myself. Maybe he is the same Luke.

"Do you have pictures of Luke?" I asked. "Oh yeah, of course I do, after all, he is bae." I cringed at the use of bae.

She took out her phone and showed me pictures of a boy with his blonde hair in a quiff. He was wearing tight black skinny jeans and and a Nirvana tank, just like she described him. He had a cocky arrogant smile that showed that he owned the place.

All I could do was stare at the picture. Not only because I thought he was cute, but because he was Luke. The Luke I've known for the past couple months.

Does this mean the Luke I've known this whole time was a lie?

A/N wow my chapters are getting shorter and crappier... sorry. Anywhoozies, maybe 7 votes and 2 comments for next chapter, it's fine if that doesn't happen. Lub youu c:

Being A Geek lh *ON HOLD*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora