I Need It

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Okay yeah I know these author notes are pointless but I really just need to rant. So livesos came out as y'all know... yeah I'm pissed.

So I preordered it like two weeks ago and it came out yesterdayish, so I was going to download it.... ugh. It says I need to purchase it and I'm so pissed.

I clearly bought and I've checked it so many times and it said the album was purchased. I even have the wilay live on my playlist. So I'm like, bish whet? Dafuq you thinking iTunes?

So like I said before, I'm pissed. I was ready to murder everything today because everyone has livesos but me.

Also to make things worse, my earbuds blew out. So they don't work anymore and I've only had them for two months. TWO MONTHS!!!! This is my fifth pair I've blown out, no joke.

So yeah... this is just a rant about how I'm pissed. so uh... yeah.

On the bright side I got a doggy on Saturday. His name is Max and he is co cute and sweet and clumsy and I just love him. c:

Also, THANK YOU FOR OVER 3k READS AND 200 VOTES!!!! It means the world to me.

I know this story sucks and I don't know where I'm going with it. I'll probably write more gay shippings sometime so check out my other stories... even though they'll probably suck. (just like Mikey... Heh c;)

So baiiiiiiiii!!!! Lub youuuuuu c: <3

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