Chapter 13

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A/N said I would update later today, I keep my promises... well kinda. Anywhoozies, anybody excited for LiveSOS? I am and asdfghjkl I have to wait until Christmas because that's when I'll get giftcard a for iTunes :c and I'm still waiting for Pokemon Alpha Sapphire :ccccccc so much waiting. I'll be quiet now so you can read c:

Luke's POV

I've really fucked up this time. Why couldn't I have just left our the part about Daniel. And yes, it's true, he did kill himself. I know I wasn't the only one who bullied him, but I've been thinking about him so much lately and how I was probably the one who pushed him past his breaking point. I truly am sorry about what I did. I've been having nightmares lately and I've visited his grave to apologize, but I never can escape my guilt.

I shouldn't be thinking about myself, I should be thinking about Kaidyn and what I did to her. She must be going through so much and hell, I would hate the person who basically killed my best friend. I just want to hug her and say I'm sorry and I wish everything was fine, but it's not.

I walked back to my house and slammed the door to my room. My mum was going to ask if I was okay, but decided to leave me be. Why not write a song? I mean I don't know what else to do.

The only problem with that was that I couldn't stop thinking about Kaidyn. I wish I was beside her. She sleeps all alone, just lying awake. I want my heart to be with hers.

Wait, that sounded not to bad.

"She sleeps alone, my heart wants to.... come home?" I said to myself, nodding at the words that felt so right. I continued, "She lies awake, um... Trying to find the words to say. I wish I was beside her." I shook my head and fixed it. "I wish I was, I wish I was beside you." I smiled thinking it sounded perfect.

I strummed some chords on my guitar to try to find the tune to go with my new song and added more lyrics. The whole time I wrote it, my mind occupied only one person, and that was Kaidyn.

Kaidyn's POV

After Luke left, I cried and cried until no more tears came out. Why did things have to be this way?

I sighed and checked my phone, finding a message from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey, can we talk?

Kaidyn: I think you have the wrong number

The number almost responded immediately.

Unknown: Is this Kaidyn?

I frowned, now feeling a little scared. Who could this possibly be, how do they know me and how did they get my number?

I debated with myself if I should answer yes but the next text sent answered my question.

Unknown: If it is, don't be scared. I'm one of Luke's friends

Kaidyn: Okay, and yes it's Kaidyn

Unknown: Oh good

Kaidyn: How did you get my number?

Unknown: I might've stolen Luke's phone and got your number from there

Kaidyn: Um okay.... Who are you

Unknown: Luke's friend

Kaidyn: No I meant your name

Unknown: Oh it's Calum, but you can call me Cal

Kaidyn: Uh okay Calum, what did you need to talk about?

Cal: I wanted to talk about Luke

Kaidyn: Can we please not talk about him?

Cal: It's important and you need to hear this

Kaidyn: Fine

Cal: Can we meet up? It'll be easier

Kaidyn: Uh....

Cal: I promise I'm not a stalker, here's a picture to prove

He sent a picture and he had tan skin and warm brown eyes. I recognized him from the pictures I saw on Luke's Instagram and Facebook.

Kaidyn: Okay, where can me meet up?

Cal: Starbucks?

Kaidyn: Yeah okay, I'll be there in 15 minutes... That okay?

Cal: Yeah, see you soon

Kaidyn: Bye

I turned off my phone and made myself look a little more presentable because I've been crying for the past hour. After I was finished, about 15 minutes have passed so I grabbed my coat and walked to Starbucks.

When I opened the door, the warm smell of coffee entered my nostrils and I looked around the small shop for Calum.

After looking for a minute, I spotted a familiar tan skinned boy and walked over shyly towards him.

"Um, Calum?" I timidly asked. He turned and gave me a warm smile. "Hey, you must be Kaidyn. I'm obviously Calum, but you can call me Cal if you want." I nodded and sat in the seat across from him.

"Want a hot chocolate? I'll get one for you." Calum asked and I shook my head, but he didn't take that as a no and ordered us each a cup of the warm chocolate-y drink. We chatted a bit to get to know each other while waiting for our drinks, and they finally came.

I sipped on the scalding hot froth and Calum interrupted my thoughts. "So I wanted to talk about Luke." "Oh, right." I said looking down.

"I heard about what happened between you guys a few hours ago and I just want to tell you, Luke really is sorry. He's changed so much, and thanks to you. I know he hates himself for what he did and could you please forgive him?" He asked kindly. I looked back into his eyes and shook my head. "Do you know what it's like to know the person who basically killed your best friend? And I put my trust in him and he lied! It's hard to forgive someone for that." I shot back at Cal.

His warm eyes turned sad and he spoke softly, "Kaidyn, I know you're a nice person and I know that what he did is hard to forgive. But please, could you give him another chance?"

I sighed not knowing what to say. "Calum, I just, I don't know what to believe and it's hard to forgive him after what happened." "Kaidyn, he really cares about you. You're all he talks about and yeah it's annoying as shit, but I know he'll do anything for you." Cal said to me.

I finished my hot chocolate and said, "I'll consider it. I guess I could talk with him. I don't know, I guess I'll see you around? Thanks for the drink, bye Calum." I said to him and left the shop.

I did kind of wish I could be with Luke right now, cuddling in his warm arms. My heart wants to forgive him but my mind is telling me to forget him.

The problem is that I don't know what to listen to, my mind or my heart?

A/N idek if this is long again.... hopefully it is. Anywhoozies, maybe 8 votes and 3 comments for next chapter? It's fine if that doesn't happen but it would make my heart die from happiness. Lub youuuuu c: <3

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