Chapter 5

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A/N okay so I haven't done any of these, but oh my gosh! Over a hundred reads!? Thank you so much! I know this isn't that great, but my writing has gotten better, so hopefully this story will get better. Anywhoozies, enjoy the chapter c:

Kaidyn's POV

After Luke dropped me off, my dad came from the kitchen. "Young lady, where were you?" He asked. I shifted uncomfortably. "I was doing a project with a friend." "And who's this friend of yours?" he asked harshly. "He's a new student, um, he's nice though." My dad started to yell at me, "It's a he!? And what did I tell you about stuttering young lady?!" I quietly looked down while he rubbed his temples, "Well I don't want you two doing any funny business. Now go to bed right away." "Yes sir." I told him as I grabbed my bag and went upstairs to my room.

This is how my parents are; very strict. My family wasn't always like this, I used to having a loving mum and dad. That was until my mum died. My dad couldn't move on for a couple of years and was a mess. We almost went broke, but then my dad found another lady and they soon married. She was a rich lady, but a brat. Her name was Cassidy, and she wants all control, including me. Cassidy changed my dad into the person he is now and both him and her are always disappointed in me. I'm not allowed to listen to music because it will give me ideas, but I listen anyway. I'm also only allowed to wear bland clothing that has to be short sleeves or longer and my pants have can't be above my knees. Of course I sneak bands tees, sweaters, posters, CDs, and bracelets. Music is my only escape from the reality I live in.

I reached my room and immediately plopped down on my bed with a heavy sigh. Luke didn't seem so bad, but he looked like he had secrets of his own. I don't mind though, everyone has secrets, including me. Luke seems different though, like he's hiding something about himself. He doesn't look like he's just the nerd everyone is making him to be. Why do I even care? He's just my partner for this stupid project. Once we finish, we will be nothing but classmates passing each other in the halls.

I get up from my bed and change into some comfy sweats and a plain t shirt. I washed my face of the light make up and finished the little bit of homework I had left.

Once I was finished, I set my alarm and went to bed, waiting for sleep to finally envelope me.

*Next day*

I woke up to the blaring of my alarm. I groaned as I shut it off before I murdered anything.

I got up from my bed and headed to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and once I got out, I put on my usual attire; a sweater and skinny jeans. I went back to my bathroom to dry my hair and leave it at its natural straight form.

I put on my usual make up and grabbed my bag to go downstairs. Both of my parents are gone at work, so I grabbed a granola bar and munched on it.

It was getting late, so I went to walk to school while listening to some Pierce The Veil. I quietly sang to myself, "This isn't fair, don't you try to blame this on me. My love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me. And god dammit- AH!" I screamed because Luke came up to me and poked me from behind. "Hey! You've got a nice voice." He said with a smile. I looked down and blushed at his compliment. "Don't scare me ever again, I make awkward noises when I get scared." I said while continuing to walk. He just chuckled at my remark. I looked at him and he was wearing a knitted sweater, khakis, clean white vans, and his signature glasses with his hair slicked back.

"So how was your morning?" He asked awkwardly. "Fine, and you?" I replied. "It was fun, I woke up early and took my morning jog. After that I ate my mummy's delicious oatmeal."

I kind of just looked at him, not believing he just said that, but who am I to judge? "Sounds nice." I told him. It's hard to believe this kid has the same taste in music as I do, but then again, I don't look like one to like punk music.

We walked in silence the rest of the way and made our way to chemistry. We sat in our assigned seats and waited for the teacher to come in.

The rest of the day was uneventful except Luke sat with me at lunch. He was really nice and we both seemed to enjoy each other's company, so I guess you could call us friends.

We decided we didn't need to work on our project, so he walked me back to my house.

"Thanks for walking me back." I told him. "No problem." He said with a smile. "I uh, guess I should be going in now. Um see you tomorrow." I said awkwardly." "Uh yeah, bye." He replied just as awkwardly and soon walked off in the direction of his house.

Before I could get my house key, my dad furiously opened the door. "Who was that boy?!" He asked angrily. "He's my partner for the project." I replied while looking down quietly.

"Speak up and look me in the eye. I want to meet this boy next time you both get together. I also want to meet his family before you even consider yourselves friends. Got it?" "Y-yes sir." I stuttered. Damn it, he's going to get mad again.

I felt a painful sting on my face. I saw his hand in the air, as he slapped me.

"What the fuck?! What did I say about stuttering? I swear you're a screw up and you're the one who deserved to die." he said with complete hatred. "Now go to your room and do your homework."

*Triggering content*

I nodded before I screwed up again and went to my room. I reached under my bead to get the thing I loved; my blades. I grabbed them and slid them across my wrists. I made four cuts on each wrist, eight in total. I watched the blood seep out on my newly made marks and cried. He was right, I am just a screw up.

*Triggering content over*

I slid my blades back into my box and placed it under my bed. Yes, I've been cutting, for a while now too. Ever since my dad married Cassidy. I sighed and completed my homework.

I decided to take a shower to wash off the blood that dried on my freshly made cuts. I got out soon and slipped into sweats and a sweater. I quickly bandaged my cuts and snuggled up into my bed, crying myself to sleep.

I just want to be happy again. For some reason, I have a feeling that maybe Luke can be a new reason to start smiling again. Maybe.

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