Chapter 12

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A/N here's just a random wallpaper you could use or something because Christmas is close idk. Anywhoozies, I don't really know what to say so I guess just ignore this. Bye c: (I still have a lil dog sitting on meh lap as I write this.)

Kaidyn's POV

After bumping into Luke's supposedly ex girlfriend Emma, I went back home and called Luke, but it went to voice mail so I left a message. "Um, hey Luke, it's Kaidyn, obviously. Anyways, I just wanted to call to tell you I'm not mad, but I just want you to maybe come over or something so we can talk. I may have bumped into your uh, "friend" Emma and she might've told me some things about you. I don't know if they're true, but I'm really torn if you're someone different or-" I sigh cutting off my words. "I'm just confused and can we talk?" I finished before I mess up anymore. "Bye." I said as I hung up.

It's been a long few days and very confusing might I add. Emma told me to check Luke's Instagram and facebook, so I did. The person I saw in those pictures, weren't the Luke I knew. I mean Luke couldn't be a party animal always drinking. There's a different girl with him in almost every picture!

I checked my phone for any new messages and saw I had a text from Luke.

Luke: Hey, I guess I can come over and sorry about everything that's happened

Kaidyn: It's okay, when can you come over

Luke: how about in an hour

Kaidyn: okay I'll see you soon

Kaidyn: bye

Luke: bye

This boy has changed me in good ways. He's made me happier, made me feel more free, and he gives me a feeling that I've never felt before.

I rolled up my sleeve and looked down at my wrists. The scars were faded and not as visible. The last time I cut was a little more than a week ago, but every cut I made was less deep and smaller, different from the long deep marks I used make.

I smiled because Luke has really helped me. He may not know that I cut and am depressed, but he has distracted me from my pain, and my parents.

I had an hour to spare, so I sat on couch and unknowingly fell into a deep sleep.

Luke's POV

I was freaking out. Not because the girl I like invited me over. No, because Kaidyn and Emma talked. They fucking talked.

Kaidyn probably knows everything now, hell she probably hates me.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my quiff and called Calum. "Hey Cal." I said when he picked up. "Luuuukeeeeeeeeyyyyyy!!! Wait, why'd you call, forget something from Ashton's?" He asked. "No, it's worse." I grumbled.

"What happened." He sounded more worried. "Kaidyn may or may not know about the real me." I told him. I heard Calum sigh, "Lukey, go tell her. Just tell her now dammit! You obviously like, hell you may even love her! I told you this deal was off. I hate to see you suffer over this. The only reason I even made this deal was to make you see what you were doing was wrong and clearly you've changed. I'll still buy you whatever guitar you want, but please tell Kaidyn. She's probably suffering too, not knowing what's going on with you."

Wow, when did Cal get so wise? "Okay, I'll tell her. Wait, I have to wait for an hour because we planned to meet later." I explained now frustrated.

"Lukey, just go." Cal said. "Fine, okay I'll go. Thanks Cal, you really are a great friend." I told him, grabbing my shoes. "I know I'm great. I'm going to hang up now, love you Lukey." "Stop calling me that-" but the line went dead. That little shit.

I checked my appearance and thought why not just go like this, then she'll see the real me. I was wearing my usual black skinny jeans along with a Mayday Parade sweater and my hair was up in a quiff.

I put my vans on and sent Kaidyn a text.

Luke: hey I'm coming over now that okay?

I waited for her to reply, but after 10 minutes I decided to just go because I can't wait anymore. I left for her house and walked the short distance.

I made it to her house and knocked on her door. After a minute, I knocked again, but louder this time.

After knocking for a good five minutes, she finally opened the door and she looked like she just woke up.

"Luke?" She asked, looking shocked at my appearance. This was going to be a long day.

Kaidyn's POV (sorry about the POV switches :c)

I heard knocking for a few minutes now and decided this person wouldn't leave me alone. I grumbled, grabbing my blankets, which made me look like a burrito, and walked over to the door to open it.

I saw Luke, but not the Luke I'm used to. He looked like the guy in his pictures, Band shirt, skinny jeans, and a quiff.

"Luke?" I asked. "Um, hey Kaidyn. I'm guessing I woke you up, sorry about that, but I just had to come over to tell you something." He said rushed. "Uh, okay. Come in I guess."

I lead him in and now I just realized I probably look terrible. My hair is all messed up from sleeping and I'm basically a burrito blanket. Great Kaidyn.

I sat down on the couch, not even bothering to remove my blanket because it was cold as hell. Luke stayed standing, well more like pacing.

"So what did you need to tell me?" I asked curiously. "Okay this is a long story, but here I go. And please don't hate me, but I need to tell you this because you mean so much to me."

My heart fluttered because I didn't know he cared about me like that.

He took a deep breath and said, "You're probably wondering why I'm dressed like this, well, this is how I usually look. I'm not the geeky Luke you've been hanging out with the last couple of months. Sure I do like the music I said I did, but I'm not the glasses wearing guy you knew.

"You see, I came from the school next to ours, and over there, I was the most popular guy. I loved the attention, but when I look back on how I was, I hate myself. I would tell off the nerds everyday. I would beat them up and I just, I don't know why I did it. I-I even made somebody kill them self." He whispered the last part.

I stared at him in shock. "Was his name Daniel? Daniel White...?" I asked in an almost in audible voice. He looked at me and slowly nodded.

I gasped, now tears running down my face. "I-it was you? You were the one who killed my best friend? You know he moved schools so he wouldn't get bullied, but he still did? And by you?! H-he was my only friend, and it's your fault that he's dead?" I yelled at him with tears streaming down my face.

"I didn't know. I'm sorry, I hate myself so much. I didn't know he would kill himself! Okay?!" He yelled back.

I stopped and stared at him. "Get out." I commanded. "What?" He whimpered. "I said get out. Get out of my sight!" I choked out from my crying.

He gave me a look that broke my heart. "Kaidyn, please. No, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you." He whispered. "Just please get out." I cried.

He tried to hug me, but I pushed him away not wanting him near me.

"I'm so sorry Kaidyn. I'll leave. I don't want to hurt you anymore. I- I lik-" he stopped himself. "I care about you. Bye I guess." he said and left.

I dropped to my knees now crying as hard as I could. He is the reason Dan is dead. Why? Why is this happening. Luke, Luke of all people is really just a self conceited jerk.

And I thought I liked him, I guess not.

A/N oh wow, drama went down. Um I don't know if this is long... I think it is? Idk. But 8 votes and 3 comments for next chapter... I know I'm asking for a lot. It's okay if that doesn't happen. Lub youuuu <3 c:

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