Chapter 7

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A/N Oh my gawd!!! Over 200 reads and almost 40 votes!!! Thank you so much!! I'm still debating if I should publish the other story idea I had, but anywhoozies, here's the next crappy chapter. Enjoy c:

Kaidyn's POV

School, or should I say hell, finally ended and now I was just waiting for Luke. Today was the day him and his family would meet my family and let me tell you one thing, I was nervous.

If he didn't act good enough or made one wrong move, then I have to say goodbye to our friendship.

After about five minutes of waiting he finally came. "Hey." I said to him. "Hey sorry for the wait, I had gym so it was longish walk."

"It's okay. So, are you ready to meet my terrible parents soon?" I asked somewhat jokingly, but still saying the truth because let's be real here, my parents are terrible.

"Yes I'm prepared and I doubt they're that terrible." He laughed. "Well you don't know my parents." I said mostly to myself.

"My mum is making cookies to bring over, is that okay?" He asked when we walked to the end of our street. "Yeah, Cassidy will probably like that." "Oh, and also I forgot to tell you, only my mum and I are coming because my dad doesn't live with us." I looked up at him curiously and asked, "I know it's not my business, but where is he?"

"I honestly don't know. He left my family when I was younger, but I could care less about him." He said with his nostrils flaring. I could tell he hated his dad, probably more than I hate Cassidy. "Well, anyways, you can come over maybe around 6." I told him. "Okay." He replied as we stopped in front of his house.

"Guess I'll see you in a couple hours. Bye Kaidyn." He waved and left into his house before I could say Goodbye to him.

I sighed and walked to my house, which was only about five minutes away. I grabbed my key and unlocked the door. "Ah, Roselyn, you're here." Cassidy said when I entered the kitchen.

You're probably wondering why she called me Roselyn and not Kaidyn. Well my real name is Roselyn and my middle name is Kaidyn. I have always preferred Kaidyn as a kid, so everyone called me Kaidyn. Well that is everyone but Cassidy. She tells me I am a lady and ladies have to have Lady-like names. Yeah, no. I am no lady. I mean I listen to freaking hardcore rock, punk, screamo, and anything beyond that. I'm pretty sure ladies don't listen to that.

"Hello Cassidy. I'm going to go upstairs to change. Oh, and the Hemmings are coming over at 6." "Okay Roselyn. Make sure you wear something nice and not those skinny jeans and sweaters of yours." "I got it." I told her and went to my room.

I looked around in my closet to try and find a dress. I only have a couple for when we actually do go out as a "family," but the only reason is to point out all my flaws.

I finally found a dark blue dress that looked nice enough (dress on side) and slipped it on. It fell to about my kness and was sleevless with a black belt around the waist. I also added a silver necklace that my real mum gave me before she died. I went to my bathroom to do my makeup and hair.

I curled the ends of my hair and pinned back bangs with a silver pin. I put on a little foundation, mascara, and decided to add some eyeliner. Once I was satisfied with how I looked, I slipped on my black flats and went back to the kitchen to help set the table.

"You look nice." Cassidy told me. "Thank you." This is how our conversations went; short and awkward. Usually she does all the talking and it's basically her just ranting about my flaws and that I need to be perfect.

I finally heard the doorbell ring after I had finshed setting the tabel. I walked toward the door and when I opened it, my jaw slightly dropped.

Luke was wearing skinny jeans that hugged his legs. His shirt hugged his muscular torso with a nice flannel over it. Instead of glasses, he was wearing contacts, which made me notice his beautiful ocean blue eyes. Also, he quiffed his blonde hair instaed of slicking it back like he usually does.

"U-um hi. Come in I-I guess." I said tripping over my words. Luke looked amazing, dare I say, hot- Wait, I can't say that. He's my frind, but why am I suddenly self concious around him?

They walked in and sat down in their seats. Well, this is going to be a long night.

A/N Hah cliff hanger! Kind of..... Well I was going to write Luke's POV, but I don't have time because I'm going to be going to an Asian festival and I'm sooooo excited!!!! This week has been good because my crush and I have been talking, also my friend told me she likes me too..... I hope she does because I've liked her forever! Oh and did I mention I'm going to be seeing my heroes and saviors on November 13?! Well I am and I am sooooooooo excited and hyped. I amd spending a lot of money, but it's worth it because I love them so much. I'll take a million pictures and maybe put some of them on one of my chapters. So yeah, I don't know when I'll update again, but maybe for the next update, could we get 5 votes and a comment? That would mean the world to me, but if we don't, I guess I'll update anyway. Byyyyeeeee I guess c:

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