♕ XXI ♕

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"Hello Harry."

I don't know what I expected him to do when he sees me for the first time in two weeks, but it's definitely not this.

As soon as his tired eyes flash towards the sound of my voice they widen, his once relaxed posture now rigid, and his scruffy jaw is opening and closing, unsure of how to react. One second he's standing tall and the next he's bowing before me, acting as you should when you meet a member of royalty for the first time, and I can't describe how much it hurts.

He goes from kissing me, embracing me, making love to me, and cuddling me to bowing in my presence with a blank expression on his features. It's a complete 180 from last I saw him and my heart aches in my chest that it's my doing. The guilt of my actions already cause me enough heartbreak, the last thing I need him to do is treat me as if he knows nothing about me. He's treating me like a stranger and it's far more painful than anything I had expected. Because even though I lied to him, not everything I shared with him was a lie.

My identity, that was a lie, a lie so far from the truth that my actual truth seems far-fetched. My hobbies and feelings, those were not lies.

"Please don't." I beg of him, rushing towards him, my plan of giving him space thrown completely out the window.

"Your majesty." He mutters, raising slowly so he's standing at his full height.

"Stop." He stares ahead at me with a clenched jaw, making eye contact briefly but saying nothing further before gazing directly behind me. My eyes avoid his as well, scanning his unusual attire.

Normally he'd be seen in a suit and tie, or even skinny jeans and a patterned tee, but today he's garbed in joggers and a wrinkled tee. He looks worse for wear and it's killing me inside that it's due to my actions. He's so far down that he can't even dress properly or make an effort for himself.

"You don't have to treat me any differently, you know me." Wrong choice of words.

"I don't know you, Mary." His words are like a blow to the face, but I welcome them, deserving all the anger and resentment he has to give me. His eyes blaze red hot anger as they take a chance to meet my own.

"I may have lied about my name and my background, but everything else wasn't a lie, I swear to you." Harry shakes his head, running a hand through the unwashed strands of his hair, something he does when he's stressed.

How do I get him to believe me? How can I express to him that I enjoy spending time on my own away from others or that I find solace when I'm with him and only him?

"I don't even know you." My eyes meet his again and they're filled with so much emotion that my slowly healing heart wants to break once again. I want to scream at him to understand me, but that won't get us anywhere and the last thing I want to do is yell.

"You do, you do know me." I'm desperate with my words, taking another step closer to Harry, only to have him step away from me. "I love puzzles; I hate crowds; I live with my sister, although her name is Gwen not Talia; Tulips are my favourite flower; I like going to bed late and sleep in in the morning; I'd much rather take baths than showers -" I'm babbling at this point, trying desperately to get him to see that I'm not entirely a liar. "The only thing I wasn't truthful about was my identity. I know that is no consolation -"

"Yeah and that's a pretty big thing to lie about, your majesty." His words are like knives, jabbing me all over, causing me physical pain on top of emotional and mental instability.

"Don't call me that. I don't care what you call me - Mary or Mabel - just please just don't call me that." I beg, tears welling in my eyes. I hate that we used to be equal and because of the family I was born into now I'm automatically his superior.

Caught in a Lie ~ h.s.Where stories live. Discover now