Identity V as Vines

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(Cuz why not? Oh and I got a lot/ almost all of the vines from GalaxyMysteryTheCat and her SCP book so go check her out!)


Michiko - "What's that in your hand?

(Y/N) - "A KNIFE!"

Michiko - "NO" *chases (Y/N) around mansion*


Joseph - "Okay so Leo has 9 bottles of dish soap in one hand and 8 bott-"

Wu Chang - "Wait, why does Leo have so much dish soap?"

Leo - "Mind your own damn business Wu Chang!" *pours soap into hand*


Jack - "Ok, go ahead and introduce yourself"

Bane - "My names Bane with a B and I have bee scared of insects all my li-"

Jack - "Wait, where's the B?

Bane - *girly scream* "THERES A BEE?!"


(Y/N) - "Hey Jack, think I can get this egg into that jar?"

Jack - "No."

(Y/N) - *throws egg, but misses and hits Bane*

Jack - *snorts*

(Y/N) - "Well, you were right!"


Leo - "Hey how you be-"

Spider Gurl - *growls*


Joseph - "It don't bite :3"

Leo- "YES IT DO"


(Y/N) - "Lets tell a secret about ourselves!"

Bane - "Fine I'll go first, I hate you and want you to die."


Bane - *makes beat*

Joseph - *records*

(Y/N) - *dances* "Bop It! TSHHHHH! Twist It! NYEHHHHHH!"

Joseph - *giggles*

(Y/N) - Pull It! OOOO!

Joseph - *snorts*


Bane - "Hey, how much money do you have?"

Wu Chang - 69 cents

Bane - "You know what that means?"



Joseph - "Hey check out this new Identity V umbrella I just got."

(Y/N) - "That's bad luck.."

Joseph - "Calm down du-"

Michiko *evil* "WHO SUMMONED ME!"

Both - *girly screams*


And there ya go! I had fun with this! Anyway, I have some important news sooo...


I hope I caught your attention! Any way, I'm planning on rewriting my Persona 5 x O.C book because, let's face it, I was new to writing and it sucked so I'm going to rewrite it!

I am still going to be writing my P4 story, so don't worry!

So, basically what I'm going to do is go in and rewrite then republish it and title it

Chapter (Whatever #) *REWRITTEN*

So if you see that, the chapter is fixed.

And yes, I know a lot of you liked this book, and yes I am going to still write in it, but not as much. If I get a really good idea from one of you (and I feel like writing it) then I will write it!

So ya, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and sorry for not being that active lately.

See ya!


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