Chapt7--- Stay With Me

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I ran out of my house with a bag of clothes, and my dad screaming.

I was taken back by Luke's car. "LUKE!" I screamed.

My dad pulled me backwards and slammed me against our metal fence.

"HEY!" Luke screamed. I heard a sound of skin hitting skin and a thud.

I pulled myself off the ground and started crying. "L-Luke!" I said.

He ran to me and hugged me. "She's gone. My mum.. She left us and he blamed me." I said.

"I'm sorry." Luke said.

"It's fine. I hate her. I hate her so-"

"You don't mean it-"

"Yes I do. She hated me for being me and not the little girly bitch she wanted," I said.

"I'm sorry." Luke said. "I love you."

"I love you." I said back.

"Come on. My mum said she was sorry and you can stay with us if you needed to." Luke said. I nodded.


"We can still watch that movie," Luke laughed.

"Okay." I said. He kissed my cheek.

The cops arrived. "Ma'am we need to-"

"No," Luke interrupted the officer.

"Excuse me?" The male said.

"No. No questions today. All that happened was her mom left her dad, and he dad blamed it on her and went.. I don't know-"

"Psycho." I said.

I turned and walked to Luke's car. I saw Ben. I hugged him.

Luke sat in the back with me. He placed a hand on the inside if my thigh. I pulled his hand away and kissed it. He smiled.


We got to his house and his mum rushed over. "Dear, I am so sorry about earlier-"

"It's fine Mrs. Hemmings. I'm Catrina." I said. "Catrina Valentine."

"The girl from Luke's talent show? He couldn't stop talking about it for days." Liz laughed. Luke blushed.

"We're gonna watch a movie mum." Luke said. Liz nodded.


Luke layed down on the couch, and layed with him. His arms wrapped around my waist, and my hands rested on his. Luke's cleansed and shaved face rested in the crook if my neck.

"You love him?" Ben asked.

"More than you could think is possible." I said. Ben smiled.

"His ex.. Aleisha. Did he tell you about her?" Ben asked.

"No." I said.

"She was a bad influence on him. Grades dropped, almost started drinking and smoking, went from just punk to full on emo and goth. He was depressed. She cheated on him with his best friend." Ben said.

"He almost killed himself. He said that if mum took you away he wouldn't even have a clue how to breathe." Ben said. I nodded.

"He loves- no. He's in love with you. More than Aleisha. He absolutely hates her. He only loved her. He wasn't in love." Ben said.

"He's not used to girlfriends. It's usually just one night stands. But those slowed far down after Aleisha. Now it's really rare." Ben laughed.

"I'm gonna go to sleep." I said. Ben nodded. Luke's been asleep for minutes now.

Ben lied.

Hello Kitty// Luke Hemmings FanFicजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें