Chapt25--- Bells

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I fixed my tux. This is happening.

I stood at the alter, waiting for Catrina to walk down, holding our kids' hands.

I heard the music. I watched as my 5 year old son, Lucas Robert Hemmings Jr. walk next to his 3 year old sister, Brooklyn Rose Hemmings.

Catrina looked up and saw me. "Daddy!" Brooklyn screamed. She ran to me. I picked her up in my arms. She kissed my cheek. "Look at mummy's necklace! It's the one I made at Uncle Ashton's!" She exclaimed.

My son walked up. "Break mummy, I'll find a guys who knows a guy to break you!" He giggled.

Catrina was now in front of me. She looked me in the eyes. "Speak the vows." The priest said.

"Wait!" Brooklyn said.

"I want to thank everyone for coming. And Daddy.. Your awesome. And you can play guitar, so your even awesomer. And mummy... I wov you." She giggled.

My son looked at me. "Daddy?" He asked. He rarely talks so everyone became quiet.

"Yeah Junior?" I asked. He smiled. He loved being called Junior.

"What is love? Like.. How do you know when you've met the one?" He asked. My mum began crying.

"Well Junior, love is when.. When you see the one person in life and just by the way you look at them, you can't breathe. Everything else in the world.. Just disappears, you can't think of anything else except them. In that moment, they are the only thing that matters." I said, looking at Catrina.

She burst into tears. "I can't. He's too perfect. Someone tell me this guys really a robot because there's no possible way he's real!" She laughed.

"Mum... Why do you love daddy?" Brooklyn asked. Catrina kneeled down, her white ball gown like dress glowed in the lighting.

"Well baby girl.. Your daddy's eyes caught me the most. After that, it was his voice. The way with just by saying hello made everything so much better." She laughed.

"That brings me to my vow. Luke.. I love you. When I first saw you, it was in Math class. You sat in the back, but you were the only one back there paying attention. Your eyes burned holes into the page. Your eyebrows were furrowed, your pencil was worn down."

"You came up to me..."



He was gorgeous. He walked around the class. "Do you have a pencil I can borrow?"

Everyone didnt want to talk to him. The tall, lanky, music obsessed social outcast. I found that attractive.

"Catrina?" He asked. "It's your name right?" He blushed.

I looked down to my bag. He began to walk away annoyed. I pulled a nice, sharp pencil out.

I noticed he sat alone. I picked up my bag an my books and walked to the empty desk connecting to his.

I sat down. I held a pencil out. He smiled. "Thanks." He spoked.

I kept silent.

The bell rang. He was the first out if class. I ran after him, but he disappeared into the crowd of students.

The next few weeks went by, and I crashed into him in the halls.



Luke wiped his eyes. He was crying. "Daddy did Mummy make you cry?" Brooke asked.

"No sweety. Mummy is just amazing. That's what made me cry. She's gotta be the robot I swear!" Luke laughed.


"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride!" The priest said.

Luke stepped up to me. He put a hand on my waist. "I love you." He whispered.

"Forever?" I asked.

"And always." He whispered. His icey eyes moved from my eyes to my lips.

"Fuck I can't wait, I want you to be mine." Luke said.

Luke pressed his lips onto mine.

He pulled back. "Catrina Hemmings.." He said. "It's cute."

He pecked my lips. Again, again, again.

This isn't the end. It's only the beginning.

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