Chapt10--- Related To Catherine

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Luke shot me a death glare then pointed to his boner then spoke, "What the fuck!"

"Shut up." I said.

I don't know why but he was pissed he had a problem and nobody to help him.

"LUKE WHY ARE YOU PANTS SO TIGHT?" Ben cackled, walking into the room.

"She gave him a-" Luke clamped a hand over Calums mouth. After a few seconds he let go. "BONER!" Calum screamed.

"You little whore!" Ben got mad.

"Hey It's not her-"

"Just like her sister!" Ben shot his hands up and got even madder.

I turned and ran to the guest room. My sister passed away a few months ago. She was always sexually active with guys and girls, but I never judged. I can't say I idolized her, but she was actually cool and non-slutty when she was sober.

I just sat there silently. I heard Michael yelling. "Her sisters DEAD you Dick! You have no RIGHT to say that to her! My step sister actually DIED and then her sister had to LIVE WITH THE FACT her sister was bisexual and always sexually active, and then DIED on her way HOME TO SEE CATRINA!" I could tell Michael had tears in his eyes.

"What the actual FUCK Ben?" Luke asked.

"Hey hey hey!" Liz said. "What's going on here?" She asked.

"Okay.. So.. Mom don't be mad but Kitty and I were kissing an it wasn't her fault but she kinda turned me on if you know what I mean." Luke began. "And then Ben called her a whore and said she was just like her.. Her sister. And her sister passed away." Luke said.

"Lucas, she gave you a boner big deal. Now go comfort her-"

"No. She's too silent. Guys.. She... She self harms." Michael said.

Too late I already did. I heard Luke scream no and pounding steps. I sat on ground with already dried cuts.


"No." Luke said to me. "No! No! NO!" He got louder but he began to cry.

"I'm sorry Luke." I said.

"Ashton go get my bracelets!" Luke screamed. Ashton came in with many many bracelets.

Luke put them on to cover the several cut I made. I cried into his black t shirt.

"Shhh. It's okay. He didn't mean it. He didn't know-" I cut Luke off.

"But he did. She was on her way home from here! She died leaving here!" I said. Ben burst in.

"Luke- I should have told you before. I... I..." Ben couldn't get the words out. "I dated and was sexually involved with her sister and they look exactly alike so I just figured-"

"Well she's different! She's not the same as every girl! She special to me! She means the world to me! She doesn't hold my life because she IS my life!" Luke said. He looked sad.

"And the fact that you made her cry and feel like crap about herself makes me WANT to hate you!" Luke said.

"Luke enough." Liz said.

"And I can't BELIEVE those words came from Little Boy Bens Mouth!" Luke said. Ben was gonna cry. "I HATE YOU!"

Ben looked at Luke with regret. He shook his head. "No I don't." Luke said and just broke down.

"Kitty, come out here please I want to talk to you?" Liz asked kindly. I got up and walked out of the room.

"I need your help." She said. I nodded. "Luke.. Has some problems." Liz sad.

"Problems??" I asked.

"Luke has a bi-polar disorder, anger issues, and he suffered from Anorexia as a teenager. He has most definitely gotten better, but only with someone in his life. I feel as if he loves you more than he loves me." Liz said. "So I want you out of his life."

"What?" I asked.

"You heard me. Out. Gone. Bye bye."


"No guys.. She self harms." Michael said.

We ran up to her room and she was unconscious. I screamed.

"OH MY GOD!!" My mum shrieked.

Dried cuts were in her wrists and there was no blood around he but she isn't awake. "She had a panic attack and nobody was around to help her!" Michael said.

"So she... Died?" Calum asked.

"She could have!" Michael screamed.

At that I picked her up and ran. "In going to the hospital bye!" And left.

"Please don't be gone! PLEASE DONT BE GONE!" I said over and over.

I felt a pulse but it was faint.

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