Chapt16--- Prom

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I curled my hair and all the guys except Luke were in here. Leah was helping Luke get ready.

"OW!" Luke yelled. Leah laughed.

"I'm sorry!" She giggled.

I felt kind of jealous. She was with my boyfrie- no. Relax Catrina!

I heard Michael make a noise. "What was that." I demanded.

"Not an onion fart," Michael tried to hide a laugh.

Ashton hit his head. "FOCUS!" He said.

"You look nice." Calum said.

"I don't have the dress on, yet." I said.



"Luke are you ready?" Michael screamed. I heard Luke run to the door.


"Idiot." I said.

I walked down the stairs and saw Luke's face drop.

"Oh my god." He said.

"Hi." I said softly, he saw my shoes and smiled.

"High tops?" He asked.

"Did you expect different?" I asked. He shook his head.

"Okay. Curfew is Suck My Dick o'clock. You should leave the school by Enjoy Your Time, and remember... Use Protect- Have fun!" Michael chirped. I laughed.

"Ooooookay." Luke said.

"Olay." I said.

"Don't you mean Okay?" Luke asked.

"No, I meant Olay." I said.



"YOU BROKE ALL HIS CONDOMS?!" Ashton screamed at Calum.

"I didn't mean to!" Calum whispered.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Calum was sewing a button back onto Luke's Tux, missed the pin cushion, and stabbed Lukes condom that he brought with him in case anything happens." Ashton said.

"Your dead if she gets pregnant Hood." I said.

"I'll call Luke-"

"No. Just leave it." I said.


"Fine Ill text him." Ashton said.

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