Chapt12--- Ready Set NO

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I sat up in Luke's bed and remembered what happened yesterday. If Ben really thinks that Im-

"Your awake." Luke said, a smile growing on his face.

"Yeah. Why are these braceletsi on my arms?" I asked. Luke frowned.

"Because they hide your cuts." Luke said. He had no smile.

"Luke.. If you don't mind me asking.. Are you.. Bi polar?" I asked.

"Y-Yeah... But It's gotten a lot better, I promise." Luke said, holding a pinkie out. I locked our pinkies.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you." Luke said, before connecting his lips to mine.

His lips were soft, and tasted like grape gum. It's his favorite gum and he chews it all the time.

I smiled at the flavor. It was a hint of grape, not a prominent taste.

His hands touched my waist, and I pulled his shirt off.

We were getting quite heated.

Luke nuzzled his face in my hair.

He crashed our lips together, and he stood tall above me, deepening the kiss.

He began to pull my shirt off, but he stopped. "I can't." He said.

"What?" I asked softly.

"I can do this.. Not yet at least. Yeah I want to, and I'm ready, but even if your ready, I just can't." He said.

"Why? What's wrong Luke?" I asked.

"The time, the date, my room is messy, and it's just..." He trailed his voice. I nodded. "It's just not special. It's not going to be that memorable. It's not good enough for you." Luke said.

"Luke, Im okay if you don't want to do this, but I don't care about anything except us-" Luke cut me off.

"I'm sorry. I just want everything to be near perfect. Your the first virgin Ive actually ever did it or will do it with." Luke blushed. I giggled.

I heard the door close... Michael.


I watched Luke pull away. I know I seem perverted but I just walked in I don't know how I didn't hear them!

"It's just not special. It's not going to be that memorable. It's not going to be memorable for you." Luke said, looking into Catrinas eyes.

I knew right there Luke really cared.

"I'm sorry. I just want everything to be near perfect. Your the first virgin-" FIRST?! What?!

I closed the door and slowly walked downstairs. I made it down making not creaks on the steps.

"Your such a bad friend! Spying on them like that!" Ashton hi my head.

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