Chapter 13

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Camila doesn't know how to hide the bloodied scratches that run down her face and to her neck where she had multiple scratches and more prominent than the other. Camila has things to do and this would only rise suspicion, the deep stare she received from the man in the small grocery store only confirmed her theory but hopefully all the makeup she just bought can cover the mess she has on her neck and face.

The man has a small Tv placed on top of a shelf facing the side so he and some customer could watch it. Camilas phone chimes and a text from Sinuhe appeared on the small device but she ignored it. Camila hopes her parents don't start to check up on her regularly cause that would only get her into even more problems that she can't deal with at the moment.

The sound of the local news reporter that started talking about a case Camila knows personally.

Lauren's disappearance has every citizen from the city nervous and looking for answers, the news has been speculating that her disappearance might be linked to another one that happened a year ago.

She's starting to have second thoughts about everything she's done, Camila isn't dumb she knows there's a huge risk that she might be caught and spend her life behind bars, but sitting and thinking about how at any given moment they might catch her has made her a bit paranoid. She didn't like to see the news more so when she has the person they want chained up in her old cabin. Even with the fear Camila is thrilled.

"Such a shame," the man says his stare fixated on Laurens photo that appeared on the news as he shakes his head "No one is safe now a days, stay safe miss" The man says handing Camila her change, Camila nods her head taking the change and picking up her bag.

She walks to her car in a fast pace, when Camila is hit by a wave of realization. They shouldn't link Lauren's disappearance with another one. This could be a double edged sword. Someone else could take the fall for her if caught, but if she's the one caught on the other hand she would be the one taking the fall for another crime she didn't commit.

Camila trows her bags into the back seat of her car and she didn't know what to do.

Maybe she should have spent more time planning everything. She couldn't let Lauren go now even if she wanted to, which she doesn't. Either way Lauren knows who she is, Lauren has seen her face which means that if Lauren were to escape... Camila doesn't want to think about it. 

One thing she knows at the moment is that if she heads for her apartment chances are her parents  will most likely arrive without her expecting them. It's a risk she isn't willing to take.

She needed to start arranging her routine in ways that would favor her, one would be starting with how much of amount of time she spends in the cabin, second one would be to get a part time job and continue her studies. She has to find ways to balance them all and still take care of Lauren.

Every thought that swarmed Camila's mind only presented problems that she needed to take care of. But right now she has to head back to the cabin she can't be going places with her face like this.


Dinah was to focused on getting mystery dude out of her house before her group of friends arrive for the usual Saturday hang out. The group always meets up at her house and usually from there they choose a place to head out to and start a fun day. But she has to be quick before anyone sees this dude getting out of her apartment.

"Can you please like be quick!" Dinah rushes him as she places on a pair of jeans and tries to make her hair a bit presentable.

"Yeah, yeah let me just put my shoes on!" The man says as he quickly puts one of his boots on as he heads towards the door.

Three minutes after the man leaves, most of her friends arrived and it stayed that way for at least an hour.

"Did she forget that we had plans for today?" Normani ask as she takes a sip from Dinah's soda.

"I doubt it she's usually the first to arrive" Allyson says as she dust the sofa  with her hand a few times to clean it.

"I know, she didn't text me last night either when she went home" Dinah says. "I'll call her," Dinah quickly dials her friends phone but was met with no reply of the green eyed girl "maybe she's mad?" Dinah says dialing her phone number again.

"I think we should just go to her house and pick her up there, I think she might have over slept" Normani says calmly not thinking too much of the situation at hand.

Everything seemed fine until they arrived at Lauren's doorstep and found the door locked.

"I'll call her this time... Wait her car isn't here" Ally notices tilting her head.

"Nah I can't believe this bitch is covering someone else's shift when she knows what day is today. Let's just go the three of us, she wouldn't want to join us either way" Dinah says with a huff texting Lauren.

<fin de flashback>

Guilt was consuming Dinah slowly, this is her fault if she wouldn't have pressured Lauren into going out this probably wouldn't have happened to her, she just wishes she could turn back in time and change everything that happened, she can't stand the idea of living her life without her friend. She wants her back.

Everyone wants Lauren back.

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