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Its almost time for the Second wave I hope everything goes smoothly and we can overcome this without a problem.

Filo: Is everything alright master? (gets close to Naofumi)

Raphtalia: Yeah you seem kinda shaken up. (Examines Naofumi)

Filo: Don't worry master what ever shows up ill Filo will beat everyone up. (Transforms into Filolial and puffs out her chest)

Naofumi: Im fine I was just thinking of a strategy to keep me distracted. (Looks away towards the town)

I hope no one gets hurt during this wave, thats why we have to finish this as soon as possible.

Naofumi: Here we go its about to start.


What in the....

Aincrad Floor 1: Town Of Beginnings

Just where is this place? This doesn't look like the place we are supposed to be.

Filo: Is this where the wave is going to hit, seems strange to be in a town. (Looks around surprised)

Raphtalia: Naofumi-Sama somethings happened to me! (Turned to a little kid again)

Naofumi: You look exactly as u did when we first meet, not only that but when did you get those clothes?

Raphtalia: I dont know but look. Everyone here is wearing almost the same clothes. (Points to people in the plaza)

Thats weird just before the clock hit zero I saw what looked like an error message, could we have teleported to another country? But if that were the case why did Raphtalia went back to being a kid again?

Filo: Master look people are appearing out of no where! (Runs behind Naofumi)

Naofumi: Seems like we aren't the only ones summoned here.(Hears fireworks go off)

Raphtalia: Theres explosions in the sky master. (Draws her sword)

Naofumi: Relax Raphtalia, there only fireworks.

Filo: Is that what you call those explosions? (Turns back to human form)

Naofumi: Yeah people launch them when theres an event happening to get everyone excited.

Now that i think about it I've never seen fireworks in this world before, not only that but I don't even think we are in the same world anymore.

Raphtalia: Naofumi-Sama theres something green above your head. (Points towards green cursor)

Naofum: Yeah you guys seem to have one as well.

So many questions, well we aren't going find any answers here. We should go around to ask people see if they know.

Raphtalia: Naofumi-Sama What is this! (opens up game menu by mistake)

Naofumi: It looks like a type of game menu, how did you make it appear?

Raphtalia: Well i was just about to touch Filo's hair but missed and the menu showed up on its own. (Looks at the menu)

Naofumi: Ill try it out. (Reaches out then slides hand down) OHH IT Worked!?

I spent a good 2o min analyzing the menu and info it had, apparently I'm at level 1 again but still have my level 39 on my other menu. Seems like this is another world but instead of being myself only Raphtalia, Filo, and I made it here, theres no sign of the soldiers or the mages that just recently joined me. Since Raphtalia and Filo both have a menu like I do maybe they can learn skills in here or something. It will take some time getting used to but we have to leave town and see if we can find monsters to kill and level up.

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