4- Am I Really That Intimidating?

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(W/Y/L)= Where you live
(H/C)=. Hair Colour
(H/L)= Hair Length
(F/T)= Favourite Type
(E/C)= Eye Color

I began to lightly giggle making sure to be quiet enough so I won't wake the pirate in front of me. Maybe I should explain? Well what's happening right now is I'm going to wake up Mr eye patched pirate over here so we could go and have some nice warm waffles, scrambled eggs, honey garlic sausages and a good glass of milk.

Apparently, Vincent told Cat freak and everyone, everything I told him on the first day. He definitely has a better memory than me! I seriously need to be less easily distracted. I grab the water filled bucket and tip toed to the right side of him so I could get him better. I, not so slowly, turned the bucket around and successfully woke him up!Yay, woohoo!

"You bloody lunatic! That's not how you wake someone up! You could've tapped me and it would've been fine!" Ciel shouted and scoffed then got off the floor and went downstairs in his regular noble clothes because he passed out before he could change. Poor boy, probably so uncomfortable last night.

"Big sister? What took you so long?" Luca the cutest thing in the world ever asked. He then let out a silent understanding, "oh." As he looked at a soaked Ciel. Alois smirked, Vincent and Sebastian lightly chuckled, Undertaker just started hysterically laughing.

"I'll go grab a towel for you, young master." Sebastian spoke, trying to muffle more of his laughs. He quickly left the dining room but of course not leaving before doing two things. One, putting more plates full of delicious looking foods down. Two, looking at the soaked Ciel one more time with amusement dancing in his eyes.

The Black Butler gang sat down on the cushioned spruce and oak chairs (Minus Sebastian, Claude and Pluto.) I inhaled my breakfast as if it was fresh air then continued until I was at least halfway full. The others, like boring people, are politely eating and had a small stomach by only having two servings.

We all finished our food and sat down for a while talking about things that has changed now compared to the 1800. It felt nice until, "YOU HAD 50 SERVINGS?!" A red headed reaper said not so much like a question as they looked at my side of the table baffled. "You expected me to eat as little as two?" I raised a brow then took a big gulp of my drink as they bickered about my eating.

Undertaker wasn't even talking he was just highly intrigued and amused at my behavior and was laughing. Ash was... well he was just looking at everyone with a scowl then took small bites of the food, what an angel. Note my sarcasm.

Three people came back into the dining room, the three people being of course Claude, Sebastian and Pluto.
"I have got you your towel, my lord." Cat Freak bowed and elegantly waltzed to Pirate Boy. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife. Ash, William, Sebastian and Claude seemed to be the one making it.

"You are all finished, am I right? Well I have a few things to say so may you all please head to the living room?" I gritted my teeth in anger as I was annoyed with the atmosphere. They all could sense my anger very quickly put their stuff away and did as told. Am I really that intimidating?


"There are some rules to be staying here and you MUST follow them alright?" I ordered, as you can tell in the morning I get angered quite easily. "And why would we listen to a peasant like you?" Before Alois was able to say anything else a hand was brought up to his mouth to shut him up.

"You buffoon! If you don't want to sit in the streets with the rats then listen, you daft cow." Ciel shushed as he looked at his father back to me. Daft cow? Isn't that a little harsh?

"So this is what my son has turned into?" Vincent thought as he stared at his son's back.

"1. Don't make a mess of my kitchen.
2. Don't fight physically and ruin my house.
3. There is no third rule." They all sweat dropped at the last rule. "Alright, well the rooms are already decided and I hope you remember what I told you. I told you yesterday before you saw Vincent, Luca and Pluto. I don't say things twice unless actually needed." I glared as I then probably looked like a mother who's child didn't go to sleep before midnight.

"Yes ma'am!" Alois squeaked and Luca looked in awe. "YOU ARE SO COOL, BIG SISTER! You can scare big brother so quickly!" He laughed as he began to spin and twirl and fell down with an, "oof" poor boy.

I know it's short and I know it may be bad, but it's better than nothing. Actually nothing may be better :/ idk oh well I'm just rambling so I hope you enjoyed. 7(°v°)7 I wish you an amazing day/night/evening/afternoon! ☺️
-UnusedMarsBar out~

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