16- Bonding

549 16 22

(Contains swearing)
(W/Y/L)= Where you live
(H/C)=. Hair Colour
(H/L)= Hair Length
(F/T)= Favourite Type
(E/C)= Eye colour
(N/N)= Nick Name

Once I awoken I started to think because thinking is healthy. If someone could read my mind though they would quickly learn my weird personality.

Alois and Ciel are like my children now. They sleep in my bed constantly. Sometimes without permission. They are annoying but I still love them. Sebastian is like dad but the way he solves conflicts reminds me of a mom. This is like a big family. Family's, commonly, have something go wrong.

What am I thinking? Stop these stupid negative thoughts! Whenever I'm alone my mind starts to be weak to the negative. I need to get up Alois and Ciel! But how? Cause I sure as hell am not doing it like the boring way other people do it.

Aha! I'll give them a nice wake up. It will be half nice at least. To start my plan I need to get some of their favorite things and place it into my room where they could see it.

A scrumptious breakfast? Flowers? Both? The latter is the best choice. I walked down the stairs and saw Sebastian and Claude cleaning. I looked at the table and see the meal is done. Good!

"Sebastian~! What's Ciel's favorite flower? Can I bring Ciel's food up to him?" I asked innocently and he responded as quick as you can say 'Doritos'. "It is sterling silver roses. No at this time I would give him his tea and an offering of scones or buttered toast."

I turned to Claude with the same doe like eyes. "Claude~! What's Alois's favorite flower?" It took him a while to tell me but he responded with his usual monotone voice. "I believe it is vanda orchids but he doesn't mind the vanda blue magic orchids either." He turned away and went back to cleaning the countertops.

"Please, please, please can you both make tea and some scones and buttered toast?" I begged on my knees with my hands pressed firmly together. Sebastian sighed, "Its fine since it's almost time to give it to them anyways. Let's get to it." He then started on a new task before finishing the other. Claude nodded and began to do the same.

I stayed in the kitchen as they were making the food as I called up my florist.
(Bold is you)
(Italic is the florist)

Hey! what up Joseph?
Nothing much girl. How's the kids?😏
Stop with that stupid joke already! 😑
What's do you need? You usually don't call this early.
I need you to get for me a batch of sterling silver roses and a batch of your best blue magic vanda orchids please. I will get you your money through email.
I'll get the flowers right away but they are on the house, free of charge. It'll be mailed to you in sec.

After I waited for about five minutes, I walked out of the kitchen, through the hallway and out the front door and saw the package. Now that's what you call fast mailing. I brought the package into the house and walked back to the kitchen with it.

I used my trusty old box cutter and opened it to see healthy and beautiful flowers. Exactly what I ordered. I took out the two flowers pots with the flowers already in it and tip toed to my room where the two younger males are. I placed them down by each bedside desk. I hurried to the kitchen once again.

"Thank you guys for doing this for me." They said a simple, "your welcome." As I grabbed the morning snack plates from their hands. After that I went back to my room for the third time and placed down the food by the bedside desks. Now to commence the plan.

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