17- A Nightmare

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I don't mean any offense about the insults said on this chapter. When I/others get angry I usually see them react this way. Plus, what happened in this chapter wouldn't make her all giggly and happy.
(Contains swearing)
(W/Y/L)= Where you live
(H/C)=. Hair Colour
(H/L)= Hair Length
(F/T)= Favourite Type
(E/C)= Eye colour
(N/N)= Nick Name

I stretch out my arms and legs in this comfy, wide bed. It feels nice to have a bed alone. What time could it be? Six am? I get up and do my daily morning routine. Brushing my hair, changing my clothes, brushing my teeth.

Two minutes passed and I took a cup from the bathroom counter. All of the rooms have their own personal washroom. I put the water into my mouth and left it there then spit it out into the sink. I did that about five more times. Gross.

With a minty breath and pearly white teeth, I smiled into the mirror. It is time for the best meal of the day! I raced down the hallway and immediately sat down on the chair. They are all here as well which is great!

Recently I've been eating like these guys. Are they rubbing off on me? I took the last piece of my ham on my plate and stabbed it with a fork and gulped it down. It's not that I hate them rubbing off on me. It's actually quite nice.

Time to watch channel forty-one. I called George a few nights ago and he told me to check at channel 41 for the new tv show about, Driven. George is my doctor. He said it'd help with... somethin'. (Introduced in last chapter.) They are gonna be asking questions to the author with a little comedy here and there.

I turned on the TV, as the other males watched me, and switched to channel 41 but then I saw a glimpse of my three friends. What is Dyce and Jordan doing on the TV? I rapidly changed the channel back to the news channel and tears fell down my face at what the reporters told me.

"A brunette lady and a male were found by a tree. Their pulse was gone and they were bleeding to death. Their friend is the one and only (Y/N). Pray for their peace in heaven." The reporter ended it off.

I sat there staring at the tv in shock. You can't be serious? This has be a joke right? This can't be real.

I paused it and stared at their faces of terror. Who killed them? Why would they? Just why! And right after I get happiness something has to fucking happen! I've known them for years and years and they're taken away from me like just that! Tears slid down my cheek and I cuddled closer to the couch.

"Darling, are you okay?" Grell asked softly, knowing the scenario. "Am I fucking okay! No! Why the fuck would you think I am!" I lashed out and being the coward I was I ran back to my room with a river of tears rolling down my face.

Why did I do that? I'm such an asshole! There they are stone cold dead and I'm just staying in my room crying my eyes out and insulting those who tried to help me? My chest hurts, I have a migraine and sleep. But do I deserve it? After what I said to Grell? After the death of my friends? I could've called them and this wouldn't have happened to them!

All of a sudden it changed. I was in my room, then I was... in my own hell.

Shrill screams resonated all around the cold blood painted room. My mother was screaming for something to stop. My dad was saying he'd protect her and to be strong for him.

After ten minutes of yells and shouts, the next sound I heard in that freezing room was his screams of pure agony. A wall opened up to show a gruesome sight. A sight nobody wants to see.

My mother stood still, nailed to the ceiling. Pieces of flesh was ripped or sliced off with her bones showing. A smile was stitched and her eyes, like my friends, were wide open showing fear. Scratches and stab marks, bruises and cuts surrounded her body. She wore her bra and underwear, as if the beast who done this to her wanted to present to me all of his assaults. Someones blood fell down my cheek my shaken up body was terrified to see whose it was. Pushing that fear away, I turned my head and I looked up.

My father! He wore a malicious stitched on smile as he looked worse than my mother. Tears seemed to want to come down today as a fountain of tears rolled down my face. There was no flesh. All his bones were prodding out in places that weren't meant to and his neck was twisted the wrong way.

He protected her till his very last breath.

My knees fell to the ground and my arms fell to my side as I looked at the beast in horror. Disgusting.

He- no it was a tall and lanky looking man with the same stitched smile on his face. Threads came out of his body that lead to the ceiling of the blood stained room.

Like a doll, his steps were shaky and slow. His steps turned quicker and more precise and he started to run to where I was.

I need to move.

Move! My toes started to twitch but that's it. Every muscle in my body has been paralyzed. Shit.

I screamed as it was about an inch from my face...

I 'woke up' in a cold sweat and walked down the stairs. I can't let's some fake Nightmare not let me apologize to Grell. I don't want him to be angry with me. I don't want my relationships with the Black Butler crew to end so quickly. They were one of the few that helped me when I was in a bad mood.

What happened? I started to hyperventilate and my eyes widened in fear. Who could've done this? There laid all of my new friends laying cold and dead on the ground. H-how did they kill demons? Was this also the Cloaked man? Why?!

A man, I presume from his build, held me in a chokehold and forcefully held chloroform to my mouth. "Mmmmph!" I struggled against the hold and kicked and hit wherever I could. He pressed harder onto my wind pipe and I fell down onto the floor unconscious. I heard one last thing before I fell.

"I finally have you, (Y/N)." It can't be true. Is that... Benjamin?

I hope you have a good day/night/evening/afternoon! 😈
-UnusedMarsBar out~

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