13- Lets Relax

587 15 4

(Contains swearing)
(W/Y/L)= Where you live
(H/C)=. Hair Colour
(H/L)= Hair Length
(F/T)= Favourite Type
(E/C)= Eye colour

I woke up contently and sighed. No one slept in my bed with me tonight, huh?After that picnic and the other events everyone seemed quite tired. I suppose today is gonna be a chill day.

I walked down the stairs and hugged the Undertaker, Vincent, Ash and with much protests, Claude and William. Sebastian too. "Good morning everyone." I yawned out blatantly obvious that I'm exhausted still.

A chorus or different good morning surrounded the room. We all sat down on the dining room seats. The breakfast was the same as usual, not bad. I chow down the food but not as swiftly as usual. I guess my eating habits are slowing down.

I need to say though it's surprising how silent it is in here.

I took my seat in the living room and read a good book about mythological creatures.

Demons are cruel and sinful creatures. There only food source is blood and souls. Their only amusement is the cries of agony us humans make while they are torturing us to death. They come in all different shapes and sizes but all of them have some type of horn. They can take on a human form for several days before the facade wears off.

Most of the was a complete lie. I began to read more about the species that are in this house.

Grim Reaper;
They are the ones you will see at your deathbed. That's not wrong. Holding a scythe with a cloak of black and a skeleton body. Very quiet, mysterious and violent.

The last four words make me think we are talking about Shouto Todoroki. (Hopefully you understand who I'm talking about.) I flipped the page to come to see another known being in the house.

Beautiful, elegant, pure, blessings. There are many words to say about an angel but non can truly grasp what an angel is. They are everything pure and good you can think of. If you were to meet one or hear a call of one it would mean that the clock has stopped ticking. Enjoy your time on earth for it will be your last.

I got off my ass and went to show the said mythological creatures in front of me. I showed the two demons their paragraph and watched their expressions intently.

As they read over the lines I could tell their amusement is rising. Which checks off the list with the whole, "Their only amusement is the cries of agony is humans make while they are torturing us to death." Note the sarcasm please.

Next mythological creature on the list. I grab the shinigami's attention and then show them all their paragraph. Their eyes scan over the page with distaste and indifference at the same time. How they do that? Who knows.

Next! I turn to the solo angel in the room and show their paragraph to him too. He smiles handsomely as he reads the compliments on the page. "Thank you for showing this to me, pure one."

"No prob!" Ash looked at me confused. "Prob?" Whoops I forgot. "Its short form for problem." I grin while rubbing the back of my neck. That reminds me of Bardroy!

"What are all of you so interested about?" A certain short earl asked. I walked over to the two young nobles and the adult then showed them the pages I showed the rest.

"Hah! Claude~! This is so wrong it's funny!" The bipolar Earl laughed out while laying back and holding his stomach.

The blondie tapped his foot on the floor till a frown went onto his face. "What are you doing standing there?! I called for you didn't I!" He shrieked at his butler annoyed.

"I'm sorry, your highness." He walked over to him. "Good." He laid back into the couch. Alois blue eyes started to droop while laying down. "It's getting late, your highness." His butler noted politely.

"That goes for you as well, young master." The raven butler looked at his now sleeping master. "Can we take the both of them into your room? They seemed to be sleeping better there." The raves demon asked me with begging innocent eyes. That does not suite him at all.

"Go right ahead." I walked to my room with the two butlers trailing behind me carrying their masters. The three of us all soon went to bed. "Good night, you two." I whisper before turning off the bedside table light I have.


"Sweets, it's time for you to go to bed." The (H/C)ette mother hushed gently to her daughter ushering her to go to sleep. "But mommy I want you to sing for me!" She demanded louder then her mother. "Alright, sweets. Just you have to promise me you will fall asleep after." She offered her daughter. The young child sighed in defeat and mumbled a, "I promise." The mother cleared her throats then began to sing a nursery rhyme.

"Hush, little baby, don't say a word, Mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird.

And if that mocking bird don't sing, Mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring.

And if that diamond ring turns brass, Mama's gonna buy you a looking glass.

If that looking glass is broke, Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat.

And if that billy goat won't pull, Mama's gonna buy you a cart and a bull.

And if that cart and bull turn over, Mama's gonna buy you a dog named Rover.

And if that dog named Rover won't bark, Mama's gonna buy you a horse and a cart.

And if that horse and a cart fall down, you'll still be the sweetest little baby in town.

So hush little baby, don't you cry. Daddy loves you and so do I." The mother looked at her daughter to see her sleeping soundlessly. She giggled and caressed her daughters cheek with care. Then she rose from her spot on the bed to go back to her room.

Hey peoples? If y'all are wondering what the arrangement of where everyone's rooms are without having to draw it out. Here is the first floor.

------------------| |---------------Stairs Living
Up | | Room
------------------| |-----------------
Ash's Kitchen
Room | | ---------------
-----------------| | Dining
Will's Room
Grell's. | |------------------
Undertaker's | (Y/N)'s
Room | | Room
------------------| |----------------

Here is the second floor.

------------------| |------------------
Library Ciel's
| | Sebastian's
| | Room
------------------| |------------------
Dusk's Alois'
Room | | Claude's
| | Luka's
| | Room
-----------------| |-------------------
Stairs Vincent's
Down. | | Room
-----------------| | ------------------

It looked better in my head XD. Once again if you have anything to say just comment it! I hope you have a good day/night/ evening/afternoon! ☺️
-UnusedMarsBar out~

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