Happy New Year's!

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The author stepped into the blank page on Wattpad nervously and began to twiddle her thumbs as she looked around, " uh, hey? I just wanted to say a big thank you for 3k and celebrate 2020 by doing something... That's it."

The black Butler gang appearing into the new world curiously glanced around and found (Y/N).

"Pardon me for asking such a question, but why have we been summoned here?" The Butler clad in black, widely known in the kuroshitsuji fandom as Sebastian.

"It seemed fate has brought us here together, my dear Bassy!" Grell exclaimed while running up to 'Bassy' .

The skilled Butler easily evaded the odd affectionate action by simply sidestepping. "Can you not do that when (Y/N) is here" the strict William sighed out while pushing his glasses up.

(Y/N) was simply watching them not really knowing what to do or say in this situation. The Author that was slyly grinning in the background was excited for what's about to go down.

"Where is Lady Mars anyway?" Finny tilted his head while looks ng around.


The recently mentioned female popped out of seemingly nowhere and scared the bejizzles out of Finny.


"The lady even used capitals!" The chef noted fearfully. Whenever a person uses bold the words will ring in their ears.

"I have something planned for tonight!" The crazy Author smirked in glee.

"That smile has evil intent, says Oscar." Snake whispered out causing me to snicker.

"It can't be that bad... Right?" The main character, (Y/N), questioned curiously.

"All I'm going to do is make you say a few words." Were the last words, from the amused Mars, wrote before all went to shit.


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What's Normal? (Black Butler x Modern! Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora