Special Chapter- Neko =^w^=

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Heads up! This is not at all canon to this story and as said in the title, it's a "Special Chapter". If you were to dislocate your neck in any special chapters you would be fine in the actual book, then continue as if nothing happened.
(Contains swearing)
(W/Y/L)= Where you live
(H/C)=. Hair Colour
(H/L)= Hair Length
(F/T)= Favourite Type
(E/C)= Eye colour

"What the fucking hell?!" I screamed, Let me explain. I woke up in a good mood and was about to go to my body mirror to brush my hair and change. Normal, right? As I brought the brush to the top of my head I felt something twitch and I was like, "that a bug?" But no it was feline cat ears. I thought I was simply too tired and was day dreaming, but no.

I pulled my pants up as I was almost finished being dressed but something was constantly hitting my hand and swishing around. It was soft and furry. I had two feline features... ok. I yawned, obviously still tired and noticed another cat-like feature. I have freaking fangs!

That brings me to the present. "What the fucking hell?!" I screamed out causing the other residents in the house come to my room, besides Dusk. Thankfully, I was fully dressed. Unfortunately, my ears and tail were right out in the open.

The males all had an open mouth, wide eyes and redness on their cheeks. Are they sick? Bro, do they need medical attention? I don't think I have a thermometer at home do I have to go and get one?

"May I pet her, young master?" Before Ciel could even answer the Cat Obsessed Moron started to touch my ears. I purred and rubbed my head onto his hand more unintentionally. I shoved him back. "Stop it!"

A red light passed through my peripheral vision and I had that urge to go and get at it. I moved to the floor in a hurry and landed on my two feet and began to hit anywhere the annoying light was. Stupid Undertaker! Where did you even find that thing?!

The males all looked at me amused and chuckled. I looked their way and frowned. Although it turned into more of a pout causing a string of awes to echo around into the room. Yes I know I'm cute but please stop teasing me!

They all crowded around me and touched my ears. If they tried to touch my tail, my normal nails would change into claws and I would bare my teeth at them. Wtf is Sebastian doing.

He stuck a finger into my mouth and touched my fangs. "Interesting. So you do have fanged teeth. Do you have a rough tongue too, I wonder?" He touched the rough tongue in my mouth and nodded and took his disgusting finger outta meh mouth.

"What the bloody hell did you that for, Sebastian?!" The shorty earl questioned his butler at his unusual previous actions.

"I was simply testing to see if my theory was right, my young lord. I do apologize for my inappropriate behaviour it I figured out someone must've done this to her by a spell of some sort." The said butler responded in a suave tone of voice.

"Who do you think could've done that, I wonder." Ash spoke but not sparing a single glance to the demonic being. The angel picked up a ball that he found and tossed it to me. I began to gnaw at the ball. Fuck my cat instincts!

"She is a grimalkin!" (1) Alois giggles so innocent you know it is fake. Only Alois can insult and title a person at the same time. "You're right, your highness." His butler replied in his usual flat tone of voice. Of course the butler does the same!

"She is the most beautiful cat I have ever seen. Padded soft paws, brilliantly large doe-eyes, (H/C) silky fur." A certain Cat Freak muttered while rubbing my hands and touching my ears with a close eyes smile with that same god damn red stuff on his cheeks.

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