15- Usual Grocery Shopping? NOPE!

548 18 17

(Contains swearing)
(W/Y/L)= Where you live
(H/C)=. Hair Colour
(H/L)= Hair Length
(F/T)= Favourite Type
(E/C)= Eye colour
(N/N)= Nick Name

"I choose Alois." The more I think about the more I realize that Claude would be coming as well.

"Let's go, Claude!" He smirked at the rest of the boys. A look on his face saying, "I won, you lose!" Wtf?

"Alright." The wall moved and stood next to 'his highness'. "Pluto! Nightmare! We are leaving to go shopping." I hollered through the whole house. How I have that loud of a voice? Nobody knows.

Nightmare and Pluto both ran down the stairs in their wolf forms and started to play fight. "Stop it already you two." I flatly demanded and they both stopped. That was easier then expected.

"You both will come with me shopping." I spoke to Nightmare so he could translate it to Pluto. What? It's good to have two wolves that can communicate to each other.

The barks of the two wolves proved to me that they're talking to each other about the topic. Pluto looked at me and nodded. When the hell did Pluto get so smart?

The others and I all put some type of footwear on and started to leave. Sebastian stopped me on the way out as he handed me the grocery list.

We then resumed our journey to the supermarket. I yelled out, "Time to go shopping!" That probably hurt the three supernatural creatures with their superhuman hearing.

I led the way to the shopping centre with my chin held high proudly. The reason for that is because how proud I am to be leading. Yes, I am childish like that. Yes, I am talking to myself. Yes, I am turning insane. Yes, I- (stop it already!) will stop doing this.

We reached the shopping centre as quick as you could say, "avocados" because of the short cuts we took. Yes, I am that type of person that like short cuts. (Oh god...)

I marched on over to the super market and grabbed the needed ingredients that was written on the list with the help of Claude. Alois harshly said, "why would I get the ingredients when you and Claude could do it for me." That bipolar brat.

This stupid tall shelf! Why would someone even invent it to be this high! "Ma'am it seems my assistance is required?" A man with a smooth but soft undertone voice asks me.

"Yeah I do kinda, maybe need help." I blurted out while kissing my pride goodbye. He effortlessly grabbed the carrots. "Here you go." I turned around to look at him. Woah.

He has mid length white hair kept in a low ponytail. He wore a black kimono jacket that faded to red then white. A grey kimono and a black and red obi holding the kimono together. His eyes were a golden and he had a triangular face shape. To sum it all up he was good looking. What's unusual is his outfit. Not that I hate it but the fact that a 2019 male was wearing a kimono in (W/Y/L) (Sorry if you live somewhere that a person wearing a kimono is normal cause I don't.)

He coughed into his hand to grab my attention. "Ahem. You were sorta spacing out there. Here is your carrots." He handed me the carrots and bowed. So peculiar.

He has a wound! "Hey. come follow me to my place and I'll fix that wound right up." I pulled his arm not giving him any time to answer.

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