Round 2 | GardenClan | Allegiances

398 13 36


Gardenstar | NPC | She-cat  

Second In Command:

Berryleap | NPC | Tom  

Head Hunter:

Thistleflower | NPC | She-cat 

- Apprentice is Rosepaw


Blossomsnow | Danielle20150 | She-cat | Small; white fur; ginger furred ears; ginger furred tail; blue eyes | Bracelet of cherry blossoms weaved around her tail | Shy; determined; intelligent

Hibiscustoe | Dragoncat16 | She-cat | Large; broad-shouldered; pale yellow-ginger fur; long stripe of brighter ginger; ginger toes; off-white underfur; orange eyes | Johnny jump-ups along her stripe as well as an ivy necklace with various flowers | Warm; protectful; talkative

- Apprentice is Poppypaw

Lavenderfrost | UniversalParanoia | Tom | Average; silver fur; tabby stripes; white chest; white underbelly; white paws, white tail; dark green eyes | Ivy lead around his right paw | Arrogant; bubbly; talkative

Chestnutshine | IvyWarriors | Tom | Average; fluffy light brown fur; bright blue eyes | Tendril of thin branches and yellow flowers | Optimistic; comforting; gullible

- Apprentice is Olivepaw

Alderclimb | Silverwind_of_MC | Tom | Average; fluffy orange tabby fur; green eyes | Leaf crown and leaf bracelets | Likable; smart; understanding

Meadowcall | crescentshine12362 | She-cat | Small; gray fur; blue eyes | Various flowers and grass in fur | Playful; optimistic; hunter

Myrtletuft | Bluefeather- | Tom | Muscular; fluffy gray and white fur; bright green eyes | Myrtle buds in fur as well as myrtle bud necklace | Optimistic; humble; selfless

Vinetangle | Brightwing- | Tom | Lithe; long-legged; short brown fur; deep copper eyes | Loose collar of leaves, flowers, and vines | Charismatic; naive; calm

Lilyfrost | Star-Twist | She-cat | Small; fawn and white tabby fur; fluffy; bright green eyes | Pine leaf and berry crown with lily bracelet on left forepaw | Shy; quick witted; intelligent

Hunter Apprentices:

Rosepaw | Bittersweet_Fortune | She-cat | Small; ginger fur; white belly; white paws; white tail-tip; bright green eyes | Large red rose on left ear | Excited; extroverted; optimistic 

Poppypaw | WarriorCats09 | She-cat | Tall; ginger tabby fur; white paws; bright amber eyes | Little poppy wrapped around her tail | Sweet; gentle; friendly

Olivepaw | Luna_Moon12345678 | She-cat | Small; dark brown tabby fur; one blue eye and one green eye | Chain of olive branches and olives around tail | Bossy; happy-go-lucky; nice

Head Collector: 

Daisyfern | Empress_Of_Night | Demi-girl | Tiny; white fur; long plumy tail; long whiskers, pale yellow eyes | Sunflower on left ear and strand of daisies around her tail | Pure; optimistic; playful

- Apprentice is Lilacpaw


Dafodillfall | QueenPoisonstar | She-cat | Small; white fur; grey stripe; red eyes | Purple tulips on front paws | Chilidish; stubborn; oblivious

Mintdapple | _fallen-sky_ | She-cat | Small; light grey fur; black tail; dark brown eyes | Mint leaf behind her ear | Soft; shy; sweet

Fernstem | Sunfrost12 | She-cat | Average; cream fur; brown patches; amber eyes | Daisies attached to the top of her ears | Outgoing; not super smart; friendly

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