Chapter 17

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It was the day Rigel had been looking forward to. It was the day he would be leaving Malfoy Manor and would be staying with the Weasleys. He had packed up all his things and hugged his aunt goodbye and waved goodbye to his uncle and cousin who both didn't seem to care.

He stepped into the fireplace and took a handful of flop powder. "The burrow" he said and threw the powder to the floor and in a flash of green flames he left Malfoy Manor. he saw that he was in a new place he stepped out of the fire place and looked around.

The place he was in wasn't as magnificent and dark and cold as Malfoy manor it was more rustic and welcoming and bright. "FRED GEORGE HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY NO USING THE GARDEN GNOMES AS TARGETS FOR YOUR PRANKS" a woman shouted from upstairs. "Definitely in the right place" Rigel said. he saw woman come downstairs. she took notice of him. "aww you must be Rigel im molly weasley dear" she said with a warm smile. "nice to meet you" he said. they heard a door open and saw Fred and George enter. "oh look georgie its whittle Rigel" Fred said. "i dont know how we got through almost a whole summer without your frizzy curly head" George said rubbing Riguels head. "thats enough you two" Molly said. to the twins before turning back to Rigel. "Ron has told us so much about you Rigel" Molly said. "yeah every minute" Fred said. "of every day" George added. "all summer" they finished. Rigel felt a tiny blush creeping onto his cheeks.

"boys why dont you show Rigel to his room" Molly said. "sure thing mum" Fred said. "follow us your humble tour guides" George said to Rigel. Rigel rolled his eyes while smiling and picked up his luggage and followed them up, the stairs. from Rigels account they had walked up five floors till they reached a small room. Rigel opened it. "woah" he said. everything in the room seemed to be a violent shade of orange: the bedspread, the walls, even the ceiling. the walls were covered with posters of the Chudley cannons the bed even had a Chudley cannon bedspread. "let me guess Ron's room" Rigel said putting his stuff on the bed at the end of the room that looked like a muggle Murphy bed. "yeah he loves ginger" Fred says. "after all he is a ginger" George said smiling.

"so where is Ron" Rigel asked. "hes out back we will go get him for you" Fred saying while smirking with George. as the two left Rigel began to look around. he was surprised to see that the room was relatively clean. he was just leaving the room when he bumped into someone. "ow" both said. he went wide eyed and began to grin. the person he had bumped into was Ron. "Ron" he said grinning at the ginger boy. ""Rigel" Ron said matching Rigels grin. the two boys hugged and went into Ron's room. "did you miss me" Rigel asked sitting on Rons bed. "yeah i have and ive sort of been thinking about us" Ron said. "what about us" Rigel asked interested. "see f-for as long as i can remember i never payed much attention to girls in the way i was supposed to know what i mean" Ron asked.

Rigel nodded. "and Percy would tell me boys liking boys and girls liking girls in that way is wrong and sick so i t-tried to ignore the feelings i got" Ron said fidgeting with his fingers . "t-they got stronger last year when i met you and i tried to ignore them b-but i dont want to anymore" Ron said turning to Rigel. Ron leaned in and kissed him and Rigel kissed back. after a minute of kissing Rigel broke the kiss "so what are we now Ron" Rigel asked. "um d-do y-you w-want t-t-to be b-boyf-f-friends" he stuttered out. Rigel smiled and nodded. Rigel started to grin and kissed him again. "and i have small confession to make Rigel" Ron said,. "what" Rigel asked. "i might have wrote to my older brother Bill hes the only one i trust to keep my feelings a secret" Ron said. "dont worry i told my cousin Tonks i kissed a boy i didn't tell her who though" Rigel said. "G-good because im still not ready to tell people yet" Ron said looking away ashamed. Rigel put a hand on his shoulder. "i get that we wont tell anyone until your ready" he said sending him a warm understanding smile.

the rest of the day they spent playing wizards chess and talking and occasionally kissing. the only time they left the room was when it was time for diner. Rigel met Ginny officially. she spent most of dinner asking Riguel question about harry. "shes been talking about Harry at the same amount as Ron talked about you" Fred smirked looking at Ron who was earning him a glare from the blushing ginger.

when it was time for bed Rigel and Ron got changed separately into their pajamas and went into their respective beds. "good night Rigel" Ron said. "good night Ron" Rigel said smiling at him. "oh and we have a poltergeist in the attic which is right underneath us but dont worry eh wont make any noise unless we are to quiet" Ron said. "uh ok" Rigel said before lying down in his bed. as he began to drift to sleep he thought maybe that mirror could predict the future he thought just as he fell asleep

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