Chapter 29

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as the week went on Rigels thoughts kept going back to that dream he had he wandered was it a dream or a memory. he became slightly distracted in classes his friends asked him what was going on and if eh was alright he was told him he was fine just a bit distracted. on Thursday morning, when the Slytherins and Gryffindors were halfway through double Potions. He swaggered into the dungeon, his right arm covered in bandages and bound up in a sling. "heres the cry baby" Rigel whispered to Ron making him giggle. "How is it, Draco?" simpered Pansy Parkinson. "Does it hurt much?" she asked making Rigel roll his eyes. "Yeah," said Malfoy, putting on a brave sort of grimace. "hes fine because hes faking" Rigel said. "how can you say such a thing about your own cousin" Pansy asked disgusted. "its because hes my cousin i know hes faking" Rigel said.  Harry couldn't help but laugh a little at that.

Settle down, settle down," said Professor Snape idly.

Harry and Ron and Rigel scowled at each other; Snape wouldn't have said 'settle down' if they'd walked in late, he'd have given them detention. But Malfoy had always been able to get away with anything in Snape's classes; Snape was head of Slytherin House, and generally favored his own students above all others.

They were making a new potion today, a Shrinking Solution. Malfoy set up his cauldron right next to Harry and Ron and Rigel, so that they were preparing their ingredients on the same table. "Sir," Malfoy called, "sir, I'll need help cutting up these daisy roots, because of my arm --"

"Weasley, cut up Malfoy's roots for him," said Snape without looking up. Ron went brick red. "its fine sir ill cut up my cousins roots" Rigel said. "Rigel don't" Ron said. "its fine Ron" Rigel said. Malfoy smirked across the table. "yeah Weasley be a good little queer and listen to your boytoy" Dracio said. Rigel grabbed Rons hand that was making a fist and rubbed it to calm him down.

Rigel seized his knife, pulled Malfoy's roots toward him, and began to chop them evenly. "wonder how aunt Bella would react to this relationship" Draco said smirking at Ron. "shut it" Ron warned him. "she would probably kill you or torture you that was her specialty" Draco said smugly. Ron grabbed his collar and raised a fist. "WESLEY 25 POINTS FROM GRYFFINDOR" Snape announced at the sight of Ron about to punch Draco. Ron reluctantly let go of Draco making Draco smirk. Rigel shoved the board back to Draco. "there happy cousin" Rigel asked. "well im not unhappy" Draco said. Rigel began to work on his own roots. 

"And, sir, I'll need this shrivelfig skinned," said Malfoy, his voice full of malicious laughter.

"Potter, you can skin Malfoy's shrivelfig," said Snape, giving Harry the look of loathing he always reserved just for him. Harry took Malfoy's shrivelfig. Harry skinned the shrivelfig as fast as he could and flung it back across the table at Malfoy without speaking. Malfoy was smirking more broadly than ever.

"Seen your pal Hagrid lately?" he asked them quietly. "None of your business," said Ron jerkily, without looking up. "I'm afraid he won't be a teacher much longer," said Malfoy in a tone of mock sorrow. "Father's not very happy about my injury --""Keep talking, Malfoy, and I'll give you a real injury," snarled Ron as Rigel rubbed his back trying to calm him down.

" he's complained to the school governors. And to the Ministry of Magic. Father's got a lot of influence, you know. And a lasting injury like this" -- he gave a huge, fake sigh -- "who knows if my arm'll ever be the same again?"

"So that's why you're putting it on," said Harry, accidentally beheading a dead caterpillar because his hand was shaking in anger, "To try to get Hagrid fired. " Rigel asked in a mixture of shock and disgust.

"Well," said Malfoy, lowering his voice to a whisper, "partly. But there are other benefits too. Weasley, slice my caterpillars for me. "A few cauldrons away, Neville was in trouble. Neville regularly went to pieces in Potions lessons; it was his worst subject, and his great fear of Professor Snape made things ten times worse. His potion, which was supposed to be a bright, acid green, had turned --

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