Chapter 27

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When Rigel,Harry, Ron, and Hermione entered the Great Hall for breakfast the next day, the first thing they saw was Draco Malfoy, who seemed to be entertaining a large group of Slytherins with a very funny story. As they passed, Malfoy did a ridiculous impression of a swooning fit and there was a roar of laughter."Ignore him," said Hermione, who was right behind Harry and next to Rigel. "Just ignore him, it's not worth it. . . " she said. "i swear i am so close to loosing it with him" Rigel said clenching his fist in anger.

Hey, Potter Lestrange!" shrieked Pansy Parkinson, a Slytherin girl with a face like a pug. "Potter, Lestrange! The Dementors are coming, Potter, Lestrange! Woooooooooo!" Rigel turned to her and began to walk over to the slytheirn table. "Rigel dont" Hermione said. "what im just going to say hello" he said with a smirk. "no dont say hello" Hermione warned but it was to late Rigel walked over to her. "what do you want Lestrange" Pansy said. "you have picked a very bad day to mess with me i am so mad and furious with Draco im close to, punching and possibly beating up who ever pisses me off next so be warned pansy over wise ill be arrested for animal abuse of a pug" he said making her gasp.

Rigel walked over to the Gryffindor table and sat down next to Ron. "are you ok whats wrong" Ron asked concerned. "i-im just sick of Draco and his stuck up friends" Rigel said. just as Rigel had began to eat the Malfoy family owl flew in holding a letter. Rigel opened the first one and began to read it.

Dear Rigel

Draco wrote to me and told me what happened on the train are you alright i was so worried if anything else goes wrong write to either me or your uncle Lucius

Love Aunt Cissy


"whos it from" Ron asked. "my aunt Narcissa Dracos mum he wrote to her and told her what happened on the train" Rigel said. "thats nice of her woah never thought i would say that about a Malfoy" Ron said before laughing. Rigel couldn't help but smile at Ron. just seeing Ron happy brought a smile to his face.

Rigel had began to go over his time table. "Mr Lestrange can i talk to you for a Moment. in private" Professor Mcgonagall said. "yes Professor" Rigel said before he left the great hall. they had stopped just outside the Great Hall "i wanted to inform you that due to the incident on the train we feel it's vital to your safety that as long as the dementors are at Hogwarts you will be remanded to the castle you will not be aloud to leave the castle unless you are accompanied by a teacher" the old witch said. "what why" Rigel asked confused. "Professor Lupin informed me that the dementor only seemed interested in you meaning he saw you as prey" she said.

"that doesn't make sense" Rigel said. "Mr Lestrange from what i can gather it must have mistaken you for one of your parents since Dementors are guards of Azkaban and your parents are currently high security prisoners of the prison" she said. "ok that makes sense" he said. "im sorry Mr Lestrange but this means you can not go to qudditch games or Hogsmeade until Sirius Black is captured and the dementors leave the school" she said before leaving. Rigel huffed and went to his first class Arthmancy.

When it was time for Transfiguration Rigel looked around and saw that Harry,Ron and Hermione were no where to be seen it wasn't until near the very start of the lesson that the three arrived. Ron sat down next to Rigel, Hermione sat in a table next to them and Harry sat near the back. "What's wrong with Harry" Rigel asked Ron. "Well apparently he's going to die" Ron said. "Expand and explain" Rigel said to the ginger boy. "In divination we were studying tea leafs and apparently Harry's predicated to die" Ron said. "Now I'm glad I didn't choose divination" Rigel said.

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