Chapter 25

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Rigel woke up to the sounds of trash can lids being banged together. he immediately jumped out of bed and fell onto the floor. "ow" he said. "hahahahah well thats what you get for being a dummy" a voice said. Rigel wet wide eyed. he saw his cousin Tonks standing at the door frame holding two trash can lids. "what did you do that for" Rigel asked. "to get your lazy behind out of bed remember im taking you to get your school things for third year" Tonks said. "remind me why its you again" Rigel said in a teasing voice. "hmmm lets see im a auror and there is an escaped mad man on the loose" Tonks said. during the summer escaped convict Sirius Black cousin of his mother and aunts had become the first person to ever escape from Azkaban prison. "oh plus i want to meet your little boyfriend" Tonks said smirking. "so go on get ready" she said before leaving the door.

Rigel huffed and began to get dressed when he was finished he took a look inn the mirror. he was wearing a pale green t-shirt with a pink flower pattern, light chocolate brown jeans and green shoes. when Rigel went downstairs he saw Tonks starting to look impatient. "all right cousin lets go" Rigel said. "finally" Tonks said as they went over to the fire place and used the floo system to get to Diagon Ally.


Rigel had just left the book shop with Tonks carrying his new school books. "what subjects are you taking this year" Tonks asked. "well despite the usual ones im also taking Ancient Runes and Arthamancy" Rigel said. "and ill also be doing my charms O.W.L this year cousin because im gifted" Rigel said. "more like a gift i wish i could return" Tonks said playfully. "oh h ha cousin" Tonks said. "Rigel two voices said. Rigel turned and saw Hermione and Ron. "hey guys miss me" Rigel said smirking.

Ron ran over and hugged him. Tonks smirked at the two boys. "is this him" she asked. "yeah" Rigel said ending the hug. "Ron this is my cousin Nymphadora" Rigel said teasing. Tonks hair began to turn red an Ron and Hermione gulped. "" she said glaring at Riguel wit her now crimson red hair. she then shook her head and it turned back to its normal bubblegum pink. "h-how did she do that" Hermione asked. "shes a Metamorphmagus she can change her appearance at will" Rigel said. "Tonks this is Ron my boyfriend" Rigel said taking his hand. "Wait are you related to Charlie Weasley" she asked Ron. "yeah hes my older brother" Ron said. Tonks then began to smirk. " i was at school with him we were really close" Tonks said smirking. "ok thats enough lets go" Rigel said. "fine ill meet you at the leaky cauldron see ya Ronny boy" Tonks winking at Ron before leaving. "your cousins weird" Hermione said. "yeah i know" Rigel said.

"but defiantly an improvement over Malfoy" Ron said."yeah i know" Rigel said. "so what should we do" Rigel asked. "we could try and find harry" Hermione said. "hes here" Rigel asked. "yeah my dad said hes been staying at the leaky cauldron for a week" Ron said.  "ok then lets go find him" Rigel said. "so why is harry staying at the leaky cauldron" Rigel asked. "ill exlain on the way" Ron said. and like that a Rigel and his friends began to look all over Diagon Ally for Harry potter. eventually they stopped to take a break at Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor. they were sitting outside eating their ice cream when they saw "HARRY" they called. the boy turned to them and smiled at the three and walked over to them.

""Finally!" said Ron, grinning at Harry as he sat down. "We went to the Leaky Cauldron, but they said you'd left, and we went to Flourish and Blotts, and Madam Malkin's, and --"."I got all my school stuff last week," Harry explained. "And how come you knew I'm staying at the Leaky Cauldron?". "Dad," said Ron simply. "his dad works for the ministry remember" Rigel said. ""Did you really blow up your aunt, Harry?" said Hermione in a very serious voice. "I didn't mean to," said Harry, while Ron roared with laughter. "I just -- lost control. " "It's not funny, Ron," said Hermione sharply. "Honestly, I'm amazed Harry wasn't expelled". "its his first offence they always go light on first offenders" Rigel said. "i-i dont even want to know how you know that" Hermione said. "oh when Tonks use to babysit me we watched muggle crime  shows" Rigel said.

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