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AS I STARE UP at my building, trying to catch my breath, I am dreading what I will find upstairs.

First option is that she isn't there. After me being gone with so little an explanation, she's just packed her stuff and left.

Second option is that she's there, but she's pissed at the fact I'd gone AWOL for nearly three weeks, with only a text to explain myself. Although I would hope her anger would subside when she sees the state of my face.

Or the third option, the scenario where she doesn't believe me because she thinks I abandoned her, just after we took the leap to the next level.

To be honest, all options weren't great. I was praying for a fourth option to appear and for it all to be okay, for once. But as all these options start to bounce around so much they make me dizzy, I decide it's time to head inside.


I FEEL LIKE THE lift is closing incredibly slowly, and as I watch the numbers tick up and up, I actually feel a bit sick by the time the doors open on my floor. I walk round the corner to my door, and just look at the door, not wanting to face what was inside.

"Just open it," I whisper to myself.

Keys in hand, I reach out a shaky hand and hit the fob against the lock just as the door flies open.

Her cheeks are red and blotchy when I finally focus on her, and she has red eyes, like she's been crying. She cups her mouth, same as Alex, and as she takes me in, her expression goes from sadness, to shock, and then finally, to relief. Her eyes are fixed on the mess around my eye, the worst of the damage, but my cheeks warm in the relief filling her eyes.

I don't know what to say, so I just start with the only thing I can think of. "Did you miss me?"

She closes her eyes before she hops towards me, her eyes welling up before she gently puts her arms around my shoulders. She drops her face into the crook of my neck and the relief continues to flood through me as she kisses me softly just under my ear. I try to lift her, but my ribs protest and I wince.

"Lara, I am so sorry," I tell her and she moves her head up to look at me. "I'm so sorry."

As she moves backwards, and I hope I'm mistaken, a flash of annoyance brushes over her expression before she frowns. It stays for a few more seconds, but as she strokes my cheek gently, I feel like the anger can't be directed at me.

"I'm sorry I didn't call." My voice is barely a whisper.

Her eyes soften quickly as a tear drops down her cheek and I lift my hand to catch it before leaning forward to kiss it away.

"I..." She starts to say something but then she shakes her head, walking away from me, into the apartment.

I follow her in, ignoring the mess, but as soon as I spot that crumpled piece of canvas, I make a beeline for it. I pull it flat in my hands, looking at for it a few seconds as I shake my head.

The canvas is basically destroyed, with tears in the fabric and the sketch lines smudged. The pride I had felt a few weeks ago when doing it has now gone, and what's left is just shame. As a result, I find my hands start ripping at the canvas more, ripping it to shreds.

"Archie, don't!" she calls, lunging sideways to stop me.

Ignoring the pain lancing up as she tugs it away from me, I shout back at her. "No! This needs to go." I rip it twice more before I hear a thud and a cry, realising Lara had fallen to the floor. Forgetting the drawing for a moment, I kneel down to try and help her up, but as she bats me away, I realise something.

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