Chapter Six (Edited)

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"She's awake, Alpha

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"She's awake, Alpha." Doc stepped swiftly to the side, his head lowered.

Her breath quickening once again, Hannah leaned forward in a futile attempt to peer beyond the stout doorframe. She needn't have bothered. The man that entered the room with such confidence almost took her breath away entirely.

At a guess she'd have put him in his twenties. His jet black hair swept across his forehead giving him a handsome but brooding appearance, and he was big. Six and a half feet at least, with broad shoulders and a powerful presence that filled the room so thoroughly, it shrank around him.

As he walked by, the doctor leaned towards him and muttered into his ear. The man he'd called Alpha frowned slightly and nodded, but made no further comment. When his brown eyes fell upon hers, she couldn't help but notice flecks of gold, that shimmered under the light from the window. They were strangely mesmerising, and she struggled to tear her gaze away.

Jenni flashed him a small smile before backing away as far as she could into the corner of the room, her head also lowered in what Hannah assumed must be a gesture of either respect or subservience.

Just as she thought the room couldn't get any smaller, he was followed in by another larger-than-life man, slightly smaller than the first but with equally large shoulders and blond hair that trailed down to his chest.

Before Doc could close the door properly, a third stranger demanded entry, shoving the door with one bony shoulder. A woman, incredibly old with iron-grey hair pulled up into a tight bun, and brandishing a long cane that looked as though it was used more often as a weapon than a walking aid.

She glared pointedly at Doc, looking him up and down as though daring him to tell her she couldn't come in. He sighed and stepped aside, letting her sweep past him and settle herself on the chair in the corner.

They all turned to stare at her.

The panic that had been gnawing at the back of her mind suddenly got worse.

The one Doc had called Alpha looked at her steadily for a moment, his eyes searching her face, checking her over. She stared back at him trying not to react, aware that all three of them were watching her right now. Analysing, judging, deciding what to do with her.

"My name is Blake," he told her.

She continued to stare at him, saying nothing.

"We have no intention of harming you," he told her. "You have nothing to fear."

Her eyes narrowed and her mouth tightened into a thin line. I don't believe you.

Hunters' Shadow (Book one of the Hunter Chronicles)   Where stories live. Discover now