Chapter Eleven (Edited)

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"Leave. Now." The expression on Blake's face as he stormed back onto the ward deterred any protests. The low growl rumbling deep within his chest, sent the majority of the nurses skittering out into the corridor. The warrior he'd assigned to Hannah was quick to follow.

Hannah looked between the two men, exhaustion and concern battling one another behind her eyes. What now? she protested silently, too numb to speak the words out loud.

Jenni, wrapping the last bandage around Hannah's torn feet, hesitated. She threw her Alpha a startled look. Her lips parted; whether to ask a question or protest being forced to leave her patient, Hannah wasn't sure.

But Doc's slight shake of his head warned his daughter to think twice, and she remained silent. Bowing her head in respect she reluctantly left the ward, her eyes flitting constantly between Hannah and Blake, worry etched across her pale face.

"You lied to me," Blake accused as soon as the door closed behind her, stalking around the bed towards Hannah.

She looked bewildered. "I - what?"

His voice remained dangerously calm, but his eyes were hard with anger. "I know the truth. I know what you are. A werewolf, for Goddess sake!" The accusation was filled with betrayal. "Why the pretence? Why lead me to believe you were human all this time? What are you hiding?" The questions came spilling out all at once, like powder falling from a bag.

He can't be serious? She let out a sort of half laugh - a disbelieving exhalation of breath: "I'm sorry, you're going to have to repeat that," she said incredulously.

"What. Are. You. Hiding?" he bit out, clearly struggling to maintain his composure.

"No," she reiterated. "The first part. The bit about me being a- a-"

"Werewolf!" He glared at her; his face crinkled up in disbelief. "Don't expect me to believe you can't remember that as well?"

"Believe me, Alpha, I never expect you to believe anything I say," she replied, her face twisting at the disbelief in his voice. "But you're wrong." Blake began to shake his head in denial, and she clenched her teeth, trying hard not to flinch as she stared into his black eyes. "As far as I'm aware I've always been human. This is a mistake."

In fact, it was so utterly ridiculous that it was almost too difficult to deny with a straight face. She wanted to laugh and congratulate them both on a good joke. But the expression on his face told her that he was deadly serious.

Hannah watched him stalk around the bed, looking at her with dark eyes. Dangerous. Unpredictable. Eyes that reminded her of the black irises of the man in black. His wolf was close to the surface, watching her every move with a predatory gaze, but she had no idea what he was thinking, or how in control his wolf might be.

Taking care to move slowly so as not to aggravate him, she pulled herself off the bed. Ignoring the pain that shot through the soles of her bandaged feet, her hands spread in a gesture of honesty. "I swear to you, Blake. I have no idea what you're talking about."

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